That’s a dev who’s tired of this fanboy shit. 5 days ago
“While 98% of the fans are welcoming this, there will always be people like you,” Harada replied. “I understand and sympathize that it may not suit your personal taste, but if you prefer the old design, past works already exist. I am not taking those away from you.
“Also, you refer to yourself as ‘Anna fans’, as if you represent all Anna fans, but you should express your opinion as an individual.”
“You threaten to quit if she isn’t brought back, you complain the moment she is brought back,” he explained. “You demand that she be reverted after she has been completely redesigned from scratch, including her model and framework. And if she actually were reverted, you’d just say, ‘that’s recycling’.
“Either way, your method of expressing your opinion and the content of your argument are entirely unconstructive, utterly pointless, and, above all, disrespectful to the other Anna fans who are genuinely looking forward to her.”
I appreciate you Harada. 5 days ago 5 days ago
If only people strove to being this expressive rather than using corpospeak, things would be much better 4 days ago
It gives me hope that someone can be so elegant with (I assume) a language they didn’t learn as a child.
The cold hearted bastard in me thinks this was set up to sell more games.
Duality I guess. 5 days ago
Well, there was the time that Tekken 7 was 3, though.