Truthfully the you that’s reading this this second, might have just come into existence with all the memories you have now. There’s no way to know how volatile truth really is in our universe.
Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago
In the same way it is “you” that wakes up each morning. Their are periods of the sleep cycle where the mind is active and dreaming. There are other times when you are just gone, complete cessation of consciousness. In many ways, we live our lives as a series of discrete individuals, each life a single day in length. Each inheriting memories from the last.
Good morning Lemmy. Enjoy your one day of existence, and keep passing the torch. 1 week ago 1 week ago
Yeah, there are indeed all sorts of weird hypothetical but possible scenarios out there. You might actually be a Boltzman brain and not even know it.
But I prefer to focus on what we can actually measure and observe. And we do know that consciousness ceases each night. Even if we count dreaming as consciousness, you conscious experiences is not a continuous thing. If “you” are simply your consciousness, then you die every night. 1 week ago
Damn you, I’m now experiencing existential dread.
I have so decided that I, being my todayself still, shall not sleep. Ever again. I’m not going to micro-die again and let the tomorrow me take over! 1 week ago
I don’t like this version of you. Go take a nap and try again. 1 week ago
Each instance of our consciousness is a limited thing spun up for a limited time. This is as it always has been and always will be. This is simply your nature; there is no need to resist it. The fruit fly may as well lament its own limited existence, instead of dancing in the joy of its one living day.
If anything, this should encourage us to live life to the fullest. But also, to pass the torch with pride. You’re part of an seemingly endless line of you’s, and there will hopefully be many after you, today’s consciousness, has ceased to be. You’re part of a grand rely race stretching back thousands of times longer than your own consciousness. Make the goal each night to go to bed knowing you did your part, a worthy link in the great chain that is your existence. Go to sleep with peace knowing your later selves will manage things just fine. Close your eyes, and let the water take you. 1 week ago
That makes sense if you are deleting the original after uploading a consciousness… What happens if a cloned consciousness exists simultaneously with the original? Which one do “you” experience as “continuous”? Are you both at once? How does that work? 1 week ago
They’re both you. Though the two you’s will quickly diverge as their experiences differ. 1 week ago
Gen:Lock season 1 happens, lol