- Comment on Social Security Administration bars employees from reading the news at work 2 weeks ago:
SSA employees don’t have phones.
- Comment on Trump considering major NATO policy shift 2 weeks ago:
I feel like “considering” is a misleading word here. It invokes the thought that things are still in the planning stage.
- Comment on Is it a pattern that most of Zendaya's haters are right-wing or is it just a coincidence? 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on low iq in love with high iq person, is that bad?? 2 weeks ago:
IQ is not a good measurement for intelligence.
You might be interested in a podcast by Jamie Loftus titled My Year in MENSA.
- Comment on Sick pay: Low paid workers to get 80% of salary when ill 3 weeks ago:
When I was in college I had a full time job at Walmart. At the time, Walmart did not pay you for the first day off sick (even though we had 40 hours of sick time each year). They would pay you for the second day off sick, but only if you had a doctor’s note.
Of course, I couldn’t afford a doctor and couldn’t afford a day off from work unpaid. So I didn’t take sick time unless I was dying.
I don’t think I was ever healthy at that job. People would just work while they were sick, for the same reasons I did.
- Comment on Is there any handbooks for warning lights on cars/machinery 3 weeks ago:
Like a “best practices” type thing? In the US, Federal Regulations cover lighting requirements on passenger car and commercial trucks. FMVSS 108. If your machinery is ever driven on the road they most likely have lights according to this regulation.…/section-571.108
There should be a section near the top that covers “incorporated by reference”, where they list all the industry standards referenced. A lot of those are available on That’s probably as close to a “best practices” as you’re going to find.
Search by images for FMVSS 108 and you’ll find various diagrams showing light location requirements.
NTEA publishes some information about lighting, but I don’t know if you have to be a member to get it.
If you’re talking about flashing beacons, that’s not covered federally, and each state usually just says what color the flashers can or can’t be (blue reserved for police, red for emergency vehicles, green for snow plows, etc.)
If you have a more specific question, I might be able to answer.
- Comment on I have an entire cabinet currently storing empty jars... 3 weeks ago:
]>>grunts in Link<<
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I don’t like this version of you. Go take a nap and try again.
- Comment on Is it a pattern that every time a movie, show or animation that doesn't have a white person as the protagonist is attacked by right-wingers? 4 weeks ago:
John Boyega won’t return to Star Wars because of racist fans.
- Comment on Tom Hanks roasted over portrayal of Trump supporter at SNL 50 5 weeks ago:
Quotes “Donald Trump just won a landslide election”, doesn’t correct the issue. Stay classy, NYT.
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 5 weeks ago:
Bulletproof glass, but they didn’t allow tools? Is this the company that made glass for the cybertruck?
- Comment on JD Vance Tells Globalists To Their Faces To Stop Censoring People 5 weeks ago:
Why so many downvotes on this? This type of bullshit should be amplified and spread, so people can see for themselves the absolute crackerjacks running the country. It’s impossible for anyone with half a brain to see this and not be shocked by the duplicity.
- Comment on Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop 5 weeks ago:
I have to pay for Subaru-brand OnStar before the heated seats are even an option. I didn’t know the seats were subscription when I bought the car, they just said OnStar was free for a year.
- Comment on Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop 1 month ago:
Subaru does this.
- Comment on I Was an Incarcerated Firefighter. Here’s What I Want People to Know. 1 month ago:
Teen Vogue? Great now I’m on another watchlist.
- Comment on Popeye the Slayer Man (2025, dir Robert Michael Ryan) 1 month ago:
- Comment on Gen Z reveals the surprising reasons they are career catfishing—ghosting a new boss after endless interview rounds: Nearly a quarter say it was a dare 1 month ago:
If companies can catfish prospective employees, then interviewees can catfish prospective employers.
That being said, the law almost always stands on the side of corporations.
- Comment on Elizabeth Warren and Other Democrats Sent Threatening Letters to People Who Donated to Trump's Inauguration | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance 2 months ago:
Not “people”, tech companies.
Not “donations”, buying influence.
- Comment on Who's Tom and who was he peeping? 2 months ago:
He was (apocryphal) the only villager that watched Lady Godiva take her ride through town.
- Comment on Thank you for your service 2 months ago:
No celebration until there’s also an alert that asks idiots if they really want to reply-all.
- Comment on Could space mining alter earth orbit? 2 months ago:
The earth gains somewhere between 40,000 and 100,000 tons every year, just naturally due to space debris. But I’ve also read that that’s offset by atmospheric gasses leaving the atmosphere, so the earth is actually losing mass.
But there’s also the question of how much of that mass entering or leaving is actually affecting the system mass. Any additional mass entering orbit of the earth and moon should affect the earth’s orbit as well.
And then, there’s the “slingshot” effect where items traveling /with/ the earth’s orbit can steal orbital speed from the earth, or when traveling /against/ the earth’s orbit can add orbital speed to the earth.
So, the answer is: it’s complicated.
I personally don’t think it’s much to worry about. Before we add enough mass to the earth to affect the orbit, I think we might notice a gravitational change.
- Comment on Justin Baldoni Lawyer Says 'Deadpool & Wolverine' Role Was Jab At Him 2 months ago:
I’m not surprised, that Gambit role was clearly based on my own life story. Ryan is just pissed that I beat him to the punch on prepaid internet access, and he had to settle for the less lucrative prepaid cell service.
- Comment on LoZ Minish Cap Similar Games 2 months ago:
Pretty much any of the 2d Zeldas fit this bill. Link to the Past/between Worlds… Link’s Awakening…etc. There’s also a game called Oceanhorn from several years ago that tried to be a Zelda clone, but I didn’t get very far in it.
- Comment on If it would solve world hunger, what would be the largest item you could fit in your ass? 2 months ago:
Trust me, I’m not going to be rapidly pushing it in and out…at least not at first…
- Comment on Democratic strategists concede party brand is 'in the toilet' - and that's being 'generous' 2 months ago:
Here’s a suggestion: any Democrat that’s ever lost an election to Donald Trump should be removed from any future campaign. I’m tired of various Clintons showing up to alienate half the electorate, and I expect Harris will do the same thing in 3 years.
I like how the Fox News survey question is “Will President Biden pardon any more family members?”
- Comment on Powdered drink mix without water? Assuming you drink a lot of water. 2 months ago:
like…pixie sticks?
- Comment on how do I avoid leggings creasing below the knees? 3 months ago:
Spray Adhesive
- Comment on Are there humans who require heating lights like pet reptiles? 3 months ago:
Not specifically for heat, but seasonal depression lamps exist.
- Comment on Discussion - what is the last movie you couldn't finish? 3 months ago:
The last Godzilla/Kong movie.
- Comment on USA President term limits 4 months ago:
I think it’s technically written as 10 years. If a vice president replaced the president, he could serve 2 more terms as long as he only replaced the president for 2 years. If he served out more than 2 years, he could only be president for 1 additional term.