Comment on we are not so different 1 week ago
They’re called “Fairy Penguins” when here, “Blue Penguin” is their NZ name.
Comment on we are not so different 1 week ago
They’re called “Fairy Penguins” when here, “Blue Penguin” is their NZ name. 1 week ago
So in the Australian “Secrets of the Zoo” the handlers call them “Little” Penguins. I’ve heard all three names used interchangeably, from the US, haven’t zero’d in on the regionality of the names, so where you at? Also the zoo show is in Sydney. 1 week ago
“Little Penguin” is their more scientific name, so that’s why they would be using it the people living in Sydney would still call it a fairy penguin.
I’m from Melbourne, where the picture is from. 1 week ago
It’s scientific name is Eudyptula novaehollandiae
It’s common name in Australia in general was ‘fairy penguin’, but there has been effort to boost alternative names because they word fairy was a pejorative name for gay men 1 week ago
But there’s an icecream here called Golden Gaytime, and the greatest Australian movie is The Adventures Of Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert… 1 week ago
The RAOU has set “Little Penguin” as the preferred name and that is why they do.
The gay claim is overblown alt-right shit, one SeaWorld claimed to have changed the name for that reason, no one else ever did.