Comment on PS5 Pro sales ‘have fallen behind PS4 Pro in the US 1 week ago
I wonder why…
£800 for a console (£700 for digital) is actually ridiculous.
Comment on PS5 Pro sales ‘have fallen behind PS4 Pro in the US 1 week ago
I wonder why…
£800 for a console (£700 for digital) is actually ridiculous. 1 week ago
It’s like a PC without the PC benefits. 1 week ago
Normally, id agree. But with pc parts prices being what they are… Its still a “bargin”. I hate to use the word bargin here, because the pricing of both pc and consoles is insane 1 week ago
You’re not wrong. A 4070ti or a new 5000 series Nvidia costs twice as much as a PS5 pro alone. And not many PCs can have Ray tracing at 60fps on 4k for under $500 1 week ago
I understand that not everyone has the expertise, but for 800$ you can put together a very capable system that will beat the PS5 easily. It will probably include some used parts. You don’t need a 4070 in there, not even remotely close.
But yes, obviously the prices have gone up quite a bit over the last years. 1 week ago
Not really. To have games in 4k and 30fps you need a gpu that is more than half the budget. And you dont even have a cpu, ram, mobo or even case.
Dont get me wrong btw, i will always pick pc because i do way way more than just gaming, but recommending pc for gaming is becoming really hard