For companies like this, that’s true, but I see this push from tons of companies who don’t have a stake in that and just rent their office. Maybe it’s about saving the value on long term leases for them?
Thing is, corporate ownership also owns a lot of commercial real estate. This push is entirely about saving that investment. 1 week ago 6 days ago
Another couple of reasons:
A) It gets people to quit, so the company doesn’t have to fire them
B) It selects for those who are loyal, allowing them to filter out those that are unwilling to be pushed around 6 days ago
You’re missing the “management’s only purpose is to pressure people to work, if they do that at home without management…” 6 days ago
Even if the company itself doesn’t own any, the investors or lenders will. Thus they will have considerable pressure coming from higher up to force people back to the office, or lose that source of money. 6 days ago
It’s for control. Same reason companies support administrating health insurance. It’s massively complicated and expensive but it enables control over the workforce.
And… it’s the physical manifestation of the hierarchy supporting exec and investor ‘king’ egos over their proverbial kingdom.
Most execs are also extroverts and run their businesses through personal relationships and experiences. And of course, the company pays for their commutes, housing, meals, and all the other reasons you and others have posted about. It’s advantageous, for them.