- Comment on Have Americans always been this stupid? 19 hours ago:
Stupid does as stupid is.
- Comment on Anon starts talking to a girl 3 days ago:
And yet, take a look in any Games Workshop and you’re quite likely to find people who will happily go weeks without a shower despite sweating like a pig just hauling their immense bulk across the room for another 2 litre bottle of coke or pepsi.
The nearest store to me for example had to put a fucking sign in the window warning that staff will remove any such sources of offensive body odour from the premises and issue bans on repeat offenses.
I mean, what the fuck?!
It’s not the ladies’ fault they find such utter lack of basic hygiene repulsive, despite what the Taint brothers and their ilk say, but it’s the same basic bitch lie every right wing cockbite sells.
“It’s not your fault or mine that your life is a bin fire, it’s insert target group here’s fault. Here, do what I tell you and it’ll get better.”
All downhill from believing that “pretty little lie”. There is currently a rising tide of people caught up in the lie the world over, and they’re unwilling to admit they were had. If history is any teacher, it’s got to get waaaay worse before the wind shifts.
- Comment on Games can no longer use virtual currencies to disguise the price of in-game purchases in the European Union 3 days ago:
Artificial scarcity in it’s barest form.
The fact that even some people think this shit is acceptable is very telling of how far we have yet to go, psychologically speaking, as a species.
Monkeys in fucking trousers.
- Comment on I don't envy the humans pre-dentistry 1 week ago:
“Intelligent Design”
Fucking LOL
- Comment on gigachad 3 weeks ago:
Damn, there’s a blast from the past.
- Comment on gigachad 3 weeks ago:
City of Heroes.
Such a great example of what an MMO should be. Old, and not without it’s flaws, but it did so many things right that even contemporary attempts at the genre miss entirely.
- Comment on I love the future. 4 weeks ago:
Living in the twenties.
- Comment on Jamie Dimon popped off at the 1,200+ JPMorgan employees fighting against full-time RTO: 'I don’t care how many people sign that petition' 5 weeks ago:
You’re missing the “management’s only purpose is to pressure people to work, if they do that at home without management…”