How often does this actually happen? The cases where this does occur stand out because they are rare. I really hate the implication that scientists are not trustworthy because some individuals acted in bad faith. Scientific fraud is real but it doesn’t mean you can’t trust science.
Comment on What Refutes Science... 4 weeks ago
That why its such a shame that big corporations can and do regularly buy scientists opinions in exchange for funding setting up a ill give $ for your environmental impact study to not blame my coal mine. Thus by negating the peer review process. science can sadly no longer be taken at face value with out knowing who funded it and why. i miss trusting scientists who are clearly smarter than me because they fell in to the capitalist greed trap RIP real science we should have treated you better and i am sorry. 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
I agree, but also approach much of what is published with skepticism because there are many factors that can lead to results not being reproducible.
Not that there aren’t issues with this idea, but I would like to see peer review change to include another independent lab having to reproduce your experiments as a means to verify the results. The methods you hand over to that lab are the ones that will be published, so if they can’t reproduce your results, it stays in review. 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
This is why you never trust a single source. For anything. Reputable news organizations have never trusted single sources, they always use multiple sources to verify information they are told. Science is not immune from this, and never has been. And even for those that you’ve followed in the past, times change, especially in a capitalist society with a massive oligarchy that owns the news companies, like modern western civilizations. Trust, but verify. 4 weeks ago
Big money can buy a lot of sources, even most on topic, and distorts what gets researched. So you still have to look at where the money is coming from.