- Comment on Three original movies are being released in theaters today 3 hours ago:
And Snatch
- Comment on Three original movies are being released in theaters today 3 hours ago:
That very much sounds like a moment for self-reflection.
- Comment on Acetone: A Thread 6 days ago:
Pour it in a proper waste container with a label and hand it over to EHS if in a lab. If not, do what another commenter said and let small amounts evaporate in a well-ventilated place.
Large volumes are something you should contact local waste disposal about. This usually isn’t free, but sometimes they have certain times of year they’ll take them for free. Large volumes are ~ >1L.
- Comment on Acetone: A Thread 6 days ago:
Our hoods have a solvent trap at the front in case of large spills, it’s a stainless steel grate covering a large, high surface area secondary steel trap below. Ngl, I pour smaller amounts of pure volatiles in there to evaporate. Usually < 10 mL. Small volumes with dissolved solids get dumped in the glass waste container in the hood to evaporate before disposal too.
Not the best practice, but the pragmatic approach.
Larger volumes go to proper waste containers. Local EHS mostly just dilutes things before pouring it down the drain. Not much we can do about that, so I opt for greener solvents from the beginning wherever possible.
- Comment on What Refutes Science... 1 month ago:
I agree, but also approach much of what is published with skepticism because there are many factors that can lead to results not being reproducible.
Not that there aren’t issues with this idea, but I would like to see peer review change to include another independent lab having to reproduce your experiments as a means to verify the results. The methods you hand over to that lab are the ones that will be published, so if they can’t reproduce your results, it stays in review.
- Comment on AHHHHHHHHHHH 1 month ago:
TBF, fuck calculus. Only nerds like calculus.
- Comment on AHHHHHHHHHHH 1 month ago:
My experiences have led me to believe the type of math someone is good at depends on their field (or what math they use regularly).
Some biologists are excellent statisticians, far better than me. I’ve also learned to never trust those same biologists with unit conversions that a chemist would consider incredibly simple.
- Comment on I got into the wrong career lol 2 months ago:
On one hand: work long hours with little to no recognition, put up with the bullshit politics of academia, constantly worrying about job security due to grant-based funding, and all while struggling to make ends meet.
On the other hand: don’t struggle to make ends meet, deal with a lot less bullshit, job security.
I’d ask you how you don’t understand, but you thought someone else bringing up capitalism was unrelated, so it’s obviously a sad waste of my expensive fucks-to-give to try to educate you. Misplaced priorities? Sounds more like you have no clue what you are talking about.
- Comment on master manipulators 2 months ago:
Hop in their lap, look up expectantly in a cute way, and take very good care of your hair so you are soft to pet. Once they start begging for your attention, act aloof and uninterested.
The bar cats did this to me recently and it worked. It was clear they were the masters of the bar.
- Comment on Nobody will question you 3 months ago:
Delete enough data points and it will be 1. You’ll only have two data points, but you’ll have bragging rights.
- Comment on Orcas so hot right now. 3 months ago:
I’m loving all the orca lore! The more fish memes posted, the deeper this rabbit hole gets and the more likely that I wind up doing some weird shit with fish that I’ll never be able to adequately explain to outsiders.
- Comment on human anteaters 3 months ago:
From what I last heard, X and his sister aren’t exactly on speaking terms.
- Comment on Turkey Temptation 3 months ago:
Just like our high school campuses. The national parks will be catching up with the rest of the country. It’s about time we bring them into the glorious future!
- Comment on lab toys 4 months ago:
You need to treat them nicely and maybe show a bit of romance. Poems, flowers, even a printed picture of flowers, something nice that will last is all it takes and your instruments will work perfectly for you. Each person may need to contribute individually to the shrine.
I swear, some damned tech came in on a PM and removed my poem from my favorite HPLC and now it’s been acting up for me nonstop.
- Comment on Calculatable 4 months ago:
Yeah, some companies seem to be allergic to standards, hence the need for the final disclaimer.
- Comment on Temporary Carbon Storage :) 4 months ago:
Oh, this shit is funny!
Offset is a platform that aims to generate high integrity, premium carbon credits from industrial sabotage and direct actions. At the heart of our work is an innovative new methodology for quantifying the climate benefits of political actions that publically disrupt carbon flows.
Our Approach
Carbon offsets apply the logic of capitalism to atmospheric interactions. This logic assumes that all activities on earth can be quantified and abstracted, and therefore exchanged. Offsets produce the capacity to outsource the effects of one’s consumption—at the scale of the individual, the corporation, or even the nation state—to someone, somewhere else, even to the generations of the future. In short, many existing carbon offset markets act to maintain a status quo rather than address root causes of the climate catastrophe.
In contrast, the Offset platform includes a registry of alternative offsets that focus on social exchanges and political actions in order to contribute to a program of highly financialized radical change.
Institutional Support
Offset (version 0.1) was commissioned by the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne, for Data Relations.
- Comment on Calculatable 4 months ago:
C or AC = clear all CE = clear entry
That said, there are variations based on brand and model.
- Comment on MDPI 4 months ago:
And your email account will never recover. They’ll sell it like it’s going out of style.
- Comment on Monster Hunter Wilds will have a spider-free mode for those with arachnophobia 4 months ago:
The best arachnophobia mode is Satisfactory turning all of the spiders into ridiculous cat heads.
- Comment on Clever, clever 4 months ago:
The professor hides white text on a white background to catch potential cheaters. The actual assignment is written in black text. If the student has followed the instructions that are written in white, this is a good indication that they may have cheated, because human eyes won’t see the white text against a white background, while a computer program writing a paper for the student will see the white text and follow the additional instructions.
- Comment on bitey 5 months ago:
Never skip jaw day.
- Comment on Pressure vs Temp 5 months ago:
How’d you find a way around the gender triple point?
- Comment on Get good. 5 months ago:
Wow, you were lucky! I grew up only knowing one type of knife because that’s all my dad could afford. Imagine growing up in a house where the whole family had to share one knife for both bread and poop!
- Comment on Eureka 5 months ago:
This was before Newtonian physics were established vs after. Newton observed the universe and therefore altered it in the process.
- Comment on fwiends 5 months ago:
0.3mm in length, not diameter. Yes, you can see them, but they just look like dead skin/gunk to our eyes.
- Comment on This might also apply to conferences. 5 months ago:
How dare they censor a meme taken from a different context that may have required censorship to post? How dare they not swear for my pleasure? This displeases me and I will not stand for it! What *** Fuck is wrong with them?
- Comment on Drunk würms 5 months ago:
- Comment on rabioli 6 months ago:
They don’t mean immune escape. It’s either an unclear joke or pseudoscientific bullshit based on a lack of knowledge around the immune system and diseases.
- Comment on Jet Fuel 6 months ago:
We’re stupid, but at least we’re honest about it. They’re stupid, but at least they have the decency to not act like it out in broad daylight.
Wrong comparison. People from the US are stupid and proud of it. There’s nothing honest coming from the US except bombs.
- Comment on Jet Fuel 6 months ago:
You forgot the anti-vaccine campaign they ran in countries near China saying their vaccine contained pig parts. Not the US state dept’s first anti-vax campaign btw.
US vaccines were made available first and foremost to Western citizens, and only then were made available to purchase. China released their vaccine worldwide, so countries without a vaccine program had access earlier and cheaper than they could acquire vaccines from the US. Their anti-vax campaign was meant to prevent other countries from accepting China’s offer, thus preventing goodwill towards China, protecting the profits of US companies, and leading to the deaths of millions who could have been saved in “US Allied” countries such as the Philippines.
If you were going to buy into one of these two conspiracy theories, first you should have some actual evidence, and then you should look at the behavior of these countries and ask yourself: which behavior is more consistent with releasing a virus that could act as an economic weapon meant to shut-down a country, but not kill everyone?