The article does not say that the actress felt that Meredith was a “pick me girl”. It highlighted one specific scene that she felt was cringe, but fans of the show loved.
The article does not say that the actress felt that Meredith was a “pick me girl”. It highlighted one specific scene that she felt was cringe, but fans of the show loved. 4 weeks ago
Sure, she only said it was cringe for one of the primary reasons that pick me girls are cringe.
Weird hill to die on, but you do you. 4 weeks ago
I think our definition of “pick me girl” is different which is why we’re not seeing eye-to-eye. 4 weeks ago
I’m the Dragon Lance novels Kitiara is character that has bonded with an adult blue dragon calles Sky i think.
You two areguing makes me think you are about bond with each other, as kitiara didnt start out as one of rhe bad guys but ended up being a major person in the evil army
Just a coincidence in your names but amusing to me for the coincidence of it 4 weeks ago
Sometimes I think I’m too stoned for lemmy.
I love books though so ::thumbs-up:: 4 weeks ago
It’s been entirely too long since I read those books!
I didn’t think me and the other guy were arguing, though. There were no bad feelings.