2 weeks ago
So people are programmed to be biased towards their own self interest, it’s not as malicious as it sounds, it’s unfortunately human nature.
So naturally they would think that the new world conquest was justified for whatever reason (maybe cause there was no flag?).
And conversely, naturally they would think of new people coming here as less justified, after all, we live in a modern world with borders now.
What I’ve learned from politics in the last few years, especially during the pandemic, never trust someone’s opinion when there is conflict of interest. 2 weeks ago
We’re also heavily biased towards our own group. Humans are so tribal it’s kinda wild if you think on it.
Get a bunch of Ford and Chevy people in the same room, see what happens. And we divide ourselves along 100,000 other lines.
Lemmings look down on redditors.
“But I’m on the right side! The others clearly are not!”
In college there were 3 restaurants owned by the same guy, all very popular and everyone wanted a job at one. When we would all get together for Christmas or other event, we would self segregate and snob the other employees. Our restaurant was the cool one.