1 month ago
Fuck, I missed that. I like the original Olliolli, world was in the back of my mind as “might get that one day” (too many freaking games). 1 month ago
Fuck, I missed that. I like the original Olliolli, world was in the back of my mind as “might get that one day” (too many freaking games). 1 month ago
It’s still available on key resellers for cheap (including all DLCs) or HumbleBundle if your prefer an official key reseller (that asks for the full price though).
I grabbed it earlier today because it too was on my wishlist. 1 month ago
Honestly, at that point? I don’t care about getting them legally. And I am certainly not throwing money to the grey market either.
I am all for supporting people for their work, but since Take Two fired the studio last year, I can be sure my money will never impact anybody who actually worked on these games. Worse, it might be slightly beneficial to those who let them go.
I know most of the time when someone looks for a reason to pirate it sounds like an excuse, but really, in a case like that I’d give zero fuck. 1 month ago
If you’re considering buying keys from shady resellers just pirate the game instead. A lot of those keys are bought using stolen CC info and end up getting charged back which leaves the devs having to pay processing fees.
Also Humble is a retailer not a reselller, they get their keys directly from the publishers or developers of the game, they don’t resell keys they bought from someone else. 1 month ago
To be honest, that’s what I meant with Humble. I knew they got legitimate keys from the developers and didn’t think of the correct noun.
But since the studio was shut down by 2K, they are most likely the one’s footing the bill if a chargeback occurs. For indie games or small studios, I never use these sites for that reason.
Plus I’m still in the process of setting up my pirated games infrastructure. I will first need to figure out how to properly store Windows-only games such that the WINE prefix is in the game folder and automatically applied as well as how to make “cloud” saves work.