- Comment on What game is this? 1 week ago:
I like how it thinks it is likely from a videogame, but somehow, it’s absolutely certain it has the character’s name.
And then a bunch of facts about famous videogame character Lemmy Kilmister.
- Comment on What game is this? 1 week ago:
That paper lantern monster design feels familiar. I’m wondering if I’ve seen that asset somewhere else…
- Comment on Favourite Mario Kart game? 2 weeks ago:
8 (DX but really my favorite parts of it were already on Wii U). 8’s tracks are incredible (not the booster packs one, those are a mixed bag and none really reach base game/Wii U dlc level).
Wii comes very close though. It’s the first to have good item balance IMO, it gets rid of the left-right bullshit to drift, and circuits are quite fun too. And some bikes are a blast, though to the point of being overpowered.
I just think of 8 as “we took everything good in Wii and made it a bit better”.
- Comment on No, Phil Spencer, Having AI Mock Up An Old Game Is Not The Same As Preserving It 2 weeks ago:
They present Muse as a “generative AI model of a videogame” that you’d train to “learn about older games”. Which seems a very bold claim to begin with.
If this is anything like that, this is not a way to preserve the original game, it’s an attempt at reproducing (parts of?) it. And since generative AI is involved, there is no reason to believe it will be a faithful recreation.
Of course this could all be marketing bullshit, and for all we know their AI is just another coding assistant AI that they might use to create remakes. And then they’ll only be as faithful as the team making it can or will do it, as has always been the case with remakes.
Anyway, remaking is not preserving.
- Comment on No, Phil Spencer, Having AI Mock Up An Old Game Is Not The Same As Preserving It 2 weeks ago:
You’ve convinced me brother. Buying 3 Lady Macbeth NFTs for my metaverse Web 3.0 gatcha play-to-earn game right now.
- Comment on No, Phil Spencer, Having AI Mock Up An Old Game Is Not The Same As Preserving It 2 weeks ago:
Guys, it’s okay. Sure, it sounds bad that we somehow let the complete works of William Shakespeare disappear from the planet. But we have a new data center with a billion monkeys on typewriters. Give them some time, and they’re bound to stumble on that old stuff eventually.
- Comment on Turok - Next-Gen Update 3 weeks ago:
Saw my switch version update out of nowhere yesterday, and I was wondering what it was about.
A bunch of cool QoL and visual stuff. Doesn’t look like there’s anything revolutionary in there, but it’s great they pushed those improvements on all versions.
- Comment on ‘There will always be people like you’: Tekken boss blasts ‘disrespectful’ fan for criticising character’s new look 3 weeks ago:
All that for a new haircut? Doesn’t even look like that out of place of a style change to me.
I mean, look at what Castlevania Judgment did to its characters back then if you want terrible redesign. Most of them were unrecognizable. Simon, Maria and Death became Death Note cosplayers, others like Grant and Carmilla went full SoulCalibur knock-off.
Along with bad anime trope personality graft for half of them.
- Comment on Day 214 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 5 weeks ago:
So, big wrestler tiger not to your liking apparently?
- Comment on Day 212 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 5 weeks ago:
It is, randomly happens in the festival plaza after the main plot. Honestly not that interesting despite the premise, there’s barely any plot to be found, just the most basic excuse to have you fight a couple battles with past villains and it’s over very quickly. They’d advertised so much around Rainbow Rocket that I was a bit disappointed.
- Comment on Day 212 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 5 weeks ago:
I agree on the story point.
Worst part IMO is that original SuMo had the most interesting antagonist the series ever had, and Ultra decided fuck that, let’s rewrite that character in the most boring way possible and drop a random threat out of nowhere instead.
- Comment on Roll7’s OlliOlli World and Rollerdrome delisted, remaining titles now at risk along with the future of ‘Kerbal 2’ 1 month ago:
Honestly, at that point? I don’t care about getting them legally. And I am certainly not throwing money to the grey market either.
I am all for supporting people for their work, but since Take Two fired the studio last year, I can be sure my money will never impact anybody who actually worked on these games. Worse, it might be slightly beneficial to those who let them go.
I know most of the time when someone looks for a reason to pirate it sounds like an excuse, but really, in a case like that I’d give zero fuck.
- Comment on Roll7’s OlliOlli World and Rollerdrome delisted, remaining titles now at risk along with the future of ‘Kerbal 2’ 1 month ago:
Fuck, I missed that. I like the original Olliolli, world was in the back of my mind as “might get that one day” (too many freaking games).
- Comment on Elder Scrolls creator Ted Peterson is “glad that people are wanting to break away from” watered-down RPGs as he works on an epic Daggerfall successor 1 month ago:
That’s honestly what I am worrying it would be, and what I meant by a huge part of the game being “impersonal”.
Daggerfall has parts that are fascinating, even long after its time.
Its custom class creator is rather fun. Its magic effect system too… despite some of the most intriguing effects not even working at all. Seriously. You can craft those spells, they just don’t do anything.
Its dungeons are intimidating in scale, and the 3D automap is both a feat and almost no help at all.
There are freaking linguistic skills. They are mostly useless, because they just add a slight chance a monster won’t attack you, but since you don’t know when it works you’ll murder them anyway.
And then there’s the undistinguishable random quests and the grind.
- Comment on The Sims & The Sims 2 Legacy Collections - Official Reveal Trailer 1 month ago:
I still have the Sims 2 Ultimate Collection from the time they ended up giving it to everyone who’d claim it for a few days.
They haven’t removed it from the app… yet. Not taking any chances, I’m re-downloading it on my current PC right now.
- Comment on Elder Scrolls creator Ted Peterson is “glad that people are wanting to break away from” watered-down RPGs as he works on an epic Daggerfall successor 1 month ago:
Since most of Elder Scrolls nostalgia today is around Morrowind, it’s always interesting (and a bit funny) to find people (involved or not) who think the series started to derail with Morrowind.
I get it, Daggerfall and Morrowind are very different games with a different scale and focus. Daggerfall is also… quite overwhelming, and rather impersonal for 99% of its gameplay. I really don’t know what a “modern” Daggerfall would look like.
- Comment on The Auto Sort Is Broken, a game where you play an RPG store owner that organizes NPC players' inventories while listening to their adventure stories, released on Steam 1 month ago:
At one point every time I did a new run of Backpack hero I could find some new absurdly broken item combo. It’s fun.
- Comment on Day 182 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 2 months ago:
Mario Kart Wii is very cool, it has some of the best tracks and very fun physics. And I know it’s been a bit of joke online, but the wheel style motion controls were actually fine too.
Though I understand why they toned down the tricks and nerfed bikes in 7 and 8. They were fun, but a bit much.
- Comment on Help me out: which looks better for the Duck - the neck tie or the bow tie? 2 months ago:
Asking the real questions here
- Comment on Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions? 2 months ago:
I’ve played several Shiren games (1 on DS, 3 on Wii, 5 and 6 on Switch) and I recommend Shiren 6 (Mystery Dungeons of Serpentcoil Island).
5 kinda went too far from its roguelike roots and feels too grindy, with too many ways to escape safely, especially easy ways to undo your death indefinitely.
6 is a lot more fun to me and makes good runs and crazy builds more special again.
For a very good introduction to the series, if you can play it, the port of Shiren 1 on DS is very good and already has a lot of what makes those games great. There is also a rom hack translation for the original on Super Famicom (that one only existed in Japanese), but I’ve not played that one much.
- Comment on Call of Duty's massive development budgets revealed: $700 million for Black Ops Cold War 2 months ago:
Not sure which game you’re thinking about, there are lots of shitty Christian shovelware from that era, but Konami’s Noah’s Ark has nothing to do with it. And very few to do with the biblical story really.
I had that game on the NES (and I’m not in a Christian or religious family at all).
It’s a real game, the arcade-y kind that tries to kill you all the time. It’s quite hard.
- Comment on The Lost Art of Fancy PC Game Installers 2 months ago:
Can’t watch now so not sure what’s in the video, but Lands of Lore 2 was quite fancy.
Had a parchment scroll-like UI with animated burning transitions, did creepy chants at you to test stereo sound.
Funny thing, it tested your CD-ROM drive speed too (it used to matter). Of course on a modern PC, you’d have the whole game on your (much faster) hard drive and simulate an optical drive with DOSBox or something. The installer runs its test and literally says : “Wow, your drive is fast!”
- Comment on LoZ Minish Cap Similar Games 2 months ago:
I’d say LoZ: Echoes of Wisdom tried to be like this, unfortunately it’s a bit bland. Might be worth checking if you haven’t yet though.
For something I enjoyed more, CrossCode is a fun top-down action RPG, but it’s more of a sci-fi/fantasy thing and a bit more on the action side. It does have extensive dungeons with lots of puzzles though (often relying on switches, timing, movable blocks and clever ways to use your ball-shooting weapon).
- Comment on Ancient Chinese RPG The Bustling World is, in fact, all of the genres, from city builder to life sim 2 months ago:
That does sound ambitious. I hope they don’t end up biting off more than they can chew and never releasing anything, because this looks promising.
- Comment on What a random person on the internet thought of Zoombinis. 2 months ago:
We had the original. The logical puzzles are quite clever. My sisters and I got a bit obsessed with it and completed it together.
Yes, you can complete it, by bringing ALL the possible combinations to the village. That’s 625, and you can save 16 on each trip, if you don’t lose any on the way.
There’s a short congratulations video if you save them all. I was honestly surprised they made one, given the commitment it required.
- Comment on Rule the talking movie industry in tycoon game Hollywood Animal 2 months ago:
I’m not sure why there hasn’t been a business simulator where you could live up the glamorous, extremely vicious, exploitative, and horrible life of a movie studio owner in Old Hollywood.
The Movies, 2005.
Technically not just old Hollywood, it goes through the 20th century with technological advances and world events that change movie trends.
Since it’s a business management game from
BullfrogLionhead, it did have some grit to it.I welcome new takes on this though, the movies didn’t age well in some aspects (aspect ratio most notably, ah ah ). I know of Blockbuster Inc that tried to remake that already but the reviews are not great. I’ll try this one.
- Comment on Switch game recommendations 2 months ago:
Not single-player, but snipperclips is good, relaxed puzzle fun.
Goals are visual and easy to understand, each player controls a shape and they can cut each other to try and fit a predefined “hole” together. There are some physics puzzles based on cutting your shape in clever ways too.
Mistakes have no consequence and often lead to funny interactions. You can’t really lose, you just reset your shape and try again.
- Comment on Clips from what I'm playing 🟥⚔️🟦 Beat Saber [CW: Flashing lights, VR perspective] 2 months ago:
Yeah, I know. “I’ll try spinning, that’s a good trick” was a silly Star Wars reference too.
That’s an episode one line from kid Anakin that’s been meme’d to hell too :)
- Comment on Clips from what I'm playing 🟥⚔️🟦 Beat Saber [CW: Flashing lights, VR perspective] 2 months ago:
It’s an older replay but it still checks out
So you tried spinning, and that was a good trick?
- Comment on Clips from what I'm playing 🟥⚔️🟦 Beat Saber [CW: Flashing lights, VR perspective] 2 months ago:
One of the first VR games I played was No Man’s Sky, on base PS4. Very low res and frame rate, teleport movement possible on foot but obviously not while flying spaceships. And I may have tried spinning a bit (that’s a good trick).
Got very sick, very fast.
Nowadays I’m mostly fine playing continuous movement, even relatively fast-paced one. Tunnel effect helps, when it’s available.
The only problems are on badly designed games (like those with forced, unpredictable “cinematic” camera movement, don’t do that in VR for fuck’s sake).