Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 4 weeks ago“This is hilarious. If you think you have it right, by all means keep at it. But when you finally realize what i’m saying, I have feeling you’re going to feel pretty embarrassed by how long it took you to get there.” likewise, assuming you actually believe what it is you’re saying and you aren’t just some dork from 4chan trying to recruit fellow incels.
men are murderers of women whether you like it or not. that doesn’t and has never meant all men, but enough of them do it that all women have the be afraid and as such the sentiment rings true. she’s not going to be afraid of women murdering her because not only is it a statistical improbability by a considerable margin, where on a personal level she’s unlikely to have ever heard of or witnessed extreme violence from other women, but most women would have a story to tell you about men.
she has reason to be afraid of men. she has reason to generalize because even if it isn’t the majority, the number is great enough that any strange man could be a potential predator to her. and none of that fear is unfounded. men are socialized under patriarchy that encourages violent rage and discourages healthy expression of emotion. it causes the statistics. it causes the fear women rightfully and regrettably must have.
men are specified and the distinction is made not because she thinks all men are murderers, but because if someone were to harm her (and the chances of that are already way too high), it’s almost certainly going to be a man, not a woman. but, i refuse to believe you’re thick enough not to understand this. quit bullshitting. 4 weeks ago
K 4 weeks ago
not that these haven’t been posted plenty in this thread already, but here you go.
you’re an MRA propagandist and a misogynist. go to hell. 4 weeks ago
LMAO, two things:
Enjoy your “life”. You really ought to touch grass and start thinking more critically. In the end, I know that your bigotry is yours alone. I don’t attribute it to other women b/c I have experience that most are normal ppl with a rather good head on their shoulders, just like men.
But like i said, if you wanna live a life of anger based on flawed thinking, go for it. The world is moving on without you, and you know you’re only pissed off b/c it’s true. 4 weeks ago
never said i was a woman you dipshit, and i’ve already explained this to you. the argument is not flawed because the argument was never at any point “all men are doing this” like you keep suggesting for some dumbass reason. you aren’t arguing in good faith, but i’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it’s probably because you’re an incel propagandist and your intention is to steer others into your hateful ideology, because the alternative is that you’re the most dense motherfucker on the planet.