Sure, the kakistocracy of the US can be called an oppressive democracy since only the rich vote on legislation, but that’s different from the peoples parliament which allows anyone to join and have power.
Comment on It really is like this 4 weeks agoYou understand that even a democratic government can be oppressive, right? You can absolutely dislike a government without disliking the people it represents. 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
So, by your logic, you hate the people of the United States, right? 4 weeks ago
Can you reply in some manner that’s close to the conversation we were having? 4 weeks ago
whelp, you just lost the argument, that’s what happened. 4 weeks ago
I’ve had the same simple point since the beginning of this conversation. In fact, I initiated the conversation by replying to you, so I set the topic of conversation, and I haven’t wavered from it. Care to answer my question that you avoided? 4 weeks ago
I bet if I would say “america is a democracy but it is oppressive”, they would agree, or start to express how it isn’t a democracy, because only wealthy people have a realistic shot.
People who claim shit like you can’t like the people and dislike the government in a democracy, are telling me that I can’t like my friends and love my partner.