- Comment on Kingdom Come Dev Believes Unreal Is Ill-Suited For Open World Games, And Is Slowing Down Work On Witcher 4 2 weeks ago:
It’s mostly legacy at this point, it used to be the easiest way to get top of the line graphics while being performant. There was a time when every new console game used unreal and had the same plastic toy soldier look to it, because thats just how the unreal engine rendered things at the time. But it was incredibly easy to use and most devs had some experience with modding unreal tournament in some way at the time.
So it established itself in the industry, and large publishers made deals with epic, and devs had to learn it in school when game dev started getting taught in school, and so on. If you wanted to work in AAA game dev from 2005-2015 you learned how to use the unreal engine.
But epic got lazy, and devs kept using the engine as a hammer even in games where it just didn’t make sense, so now we’re here. Unreal is fantastic for stage based or single map multiplayer fps games that you want to look the best contemporary technology can look. It can be forced to do anything like any engine can, of course, but it’s hard. However epic still wants money and sells it to all sorts of publishers and dev teams.
- Comment on Memory Wiped 2 weeks ago:
…what the fuck are you asking? I mean I know you people sealion constantly when youre out of preprogrammed lines but you’ve actually lost me.
- People attack police and steal guns
- People massacre civilians and police with stolen guns
- Police call in back up, the prc at the time used combined military and police for defense, therefore, tanks.
- Backup arrives, kills a bunch of people found with stolen guns, does sweeps until they can’t find anyone hostile
- Tanks start to leave, tankman stops them, climbs on tank, talks with driver pleading for them to stay fearing they didn’t get everyone
- tankman is taken away by unidentified civilians without resistance from anyone.
- Tanks leave.
- The BBC correspondent for the area, despite being in the UK at the time, reports ten gorillion deaths at the hands of those dirty Chinamen
- Everyone more or less moves on either believing the truth or the BBC until the 2000s when myth about Chinese censorship of the incident emerges because China was starting to economically threaten the West.
Any thing else I can repeat for the millionth time?
- Comment on Memory Wiped 2 weeks ago:
He wasn’t confused, he was attempting to stop them from leaving.
- Comment on Memory Wiped 2 weeks ago:
The BBC also says trans people are mentally ill and Israel is a peaceful democracy. Let’s not deal with hostile state corproganda
- Comment on Memory Wiped 2 weeks ago:
The people that were attacked by the terrorists that stole police weapons.
- Comment on Memory Wiped 3 weeks ago:
That’s because you don’t have a democracy.
- Comment on Memory Wiped 3 weeks ago:
Nope. Tanks came after the terrorists stole weapons and started killing people. Then the military called in backup, put down said terrorists, and was preparing to roll out when said tank man photo was taken.
- Comment on Memory Wiped 3 weeks ago:
Nice strawman, try again.
- Comment on Memory Wiped 3 weeks ago:
It’s taught in every single school, information about it is online. It’s just not the western lie invented in the 2000s that it was unarmed peaceful kids versus tanks that were called in for no reason… They literally stole military weapons and massacred civilians then took over and barricaded themselves in a local school.
The famous tank man photo? That guy wanted the tanks to stay to make sure the area was safe. He was protesting them leaving. There’s video of him that I guarantee people like you haven’t seen despite it being on YouTube.
- Comment on Parents sue TikTok over child deaths allegedly caused by ‘blackout challenge’ 3 weeks ago:
If you’re asking this and trying to argue this genuinely, then you’ve entirely lost the plot.
‘broadcasting’ doesn’t enter into this. Kids will do this regardless, and have done this regardless for much longer than the UK has had access to any type of video media.
The only difference is kids can now show their stupidity to the world… Which they have been able to do for the last 40 years to some extent. We don’t call a personal website broadcasting, because by no written definition could it be considered that. Neither is YouTube broadcast media, nor any internet thing (strictly speaking).
Neither is Tiktok, nor will be what comes after it, and so on.
Now we could change the definition of broadcast to mean any internet site or app and apply broadcast standards to it… but that just means the UK loses access to the Internet. No one would comply, because what power does a tiny island in perpetual economic decline have? If UK didn’t have any advertisers sites would already ignore it.
- Comment on Parents sue TikTok over child deaths allegedly caused by ‘blackout challenge’ 3 weeks ago:
If you think harmful memes didn’t spread before the internet, then you really have no understanding of human behavior.
The blackout challenge or variants have been around since at least the 1970s in the US.
- Comment on ‘We Have No Coherent Message’: Democrats Struggle to Oppose Trump 3 weeks ago:
There’s not just two sides, but you picked one of the arson parties.
It sucks you did that. But that’s no one’s fault but your own. Sorry kids in cages weren’t enough for your bloodlust, and that accepting genocide led to your own.
We told you.
- Comment on ‘We Have No Coherent Message’: Democrats Struggle to Oppose Trump 3 weeks ago:
No, troll, I was encouraging a third party in order to prevent this from happening under either fascist president.
You can fuck off.
- Comment on ‘We Have No Coherent Message’: Democrats Struggle to Oppose Trump 4 weeks ago:
A little fire that no one is putting out and a big fire you can’t put out have the same effect.
It’s still arson. It still kills and destroys. Choosing either makes you a monster.
- Comment on ‘We Have No Coherent Message’: Democrats Struggle to Oppose Trump 4 weeks ago:
Which part? Oh right you must be talking about the number of prisoners in the us which peaked under Biden, or the number of border concentration camps which peaked under Biden, or the number of deported immigrants which peaked under Biden.
- Comment on ‘We Have No Coherent Message’: Democrats Struggle to Oppose Trump 4 weeks ago:
We were in the middle of a recession, they were providing troops to a genocidal nation to commit genocide, the president pardoned his own family for all crimes past and present, unions were at an all time low in terms of membership and power, wages were fully suppressed, jobs reports had been corrected downward every quarter for the entire administration showing the government to be either incompetent or outright lying about the economy, all while credit card debt, reposition, and foreclosure rates reached peaks not seen since 2009.
What one thing did you focus on?
- Comment on ‘We Have No Coherent Message’: Democrats Struggle to Oppose Trump 4 weeks ago:
Where’s that crowd? I was told third parties like that have no chance so we have to deal with either setting all but rich white people on fire or giving the rich white people flamethrowers.
- Comment on It really is like this 4 weeks ago:
Yes Mr Shapiro, everyone that thinks differently from you is a Russian or Chinese bot or troll, your viewpoint is the only one that can ever exist, you’re so smart and definitely not propagandaized.
- Comment on It really is like this 4 weeks ago:
The students that stole police weapons and started shooting?
- Comment on It really is like this 4 weeks ago:
Are black Americans oppressed in the US by being put in prison? Is it because they’re black or because they’re poor and thus more likely to need to do crime in order to survive?
If there were a solution that brought the entirety of black Americans out of poverty by locking up the most dangerous 10% of them after a jury trial and conviction until they were rehabilitated, while massively investing in majority black areas to ensure poverty is no longer a thing in those areas, would you do it?
This isn’t whataboubtism, before you fail to report me for that.
Also Hong Kong was colonized until it was returned to China, it was never independent. I’m sorry white people lost their tax haven.
- Comment on It really is like this 4 weeks ago:
And you call me propagandized… No, people in jail aren’t disappeared because they lost their right to talk to the press. No, there is not a global network of secret police arresting Chinese people. No, China is not alone in blocking travel to their country for hate speech or other bigotry.
If you believe these things, and you seriously see no problem with them, you aren’t able to speak on politics. It’d be like discussing consent with a Mormon or physics with a flat earther… I mean seriously, a global network of secret police stations in other countries? Complete control of the speech of 1,400,000,000 humans?
This is as ridiculous as the ‘Jewish new world order’ stuff a lot of you people believe
- Comment on It really is like this 4 weeks ago:
Ok Mr Shapiro.
- Comment on It really is like this 4 weeks ago:
By no definition of fascism is China fascist. Reread your Eco.
The government is the people. A fifth of the Chinese public are cpc members. It costs nothing to join, there are no requirements besides being a citizen and not being a convicted traitor. Anyone can join and start voting and participating.
And again, no, it’s not a different system. I get that you’re angry you’ll never own your home in the US, whereas 92% of Chinese adults over 21 own their own home, but that doesn’t change reality. The ‘lease’ is that your land is under the Chinese government, not the US government or Russians government, and thus subject to the laws in China and can be revoked if you use your land in a revolution against China.
Every single country on earth has this clause. Every single one. China assigns it per feed, rather than an overarching law, because of the autonomous districts that have different leases, like Tibet or Xinjiang.
- Comment on It really is like this 4 weeks ago:
…the ‘lease’ is that you don’t own it independent of the government, as in despite owning the land you’re not your own country. You’ll find this in every country, except in China it’s spelled out. It has an expiration since, you know, China tends to reform itself over time. None have expired, and right now under current law none of them can expire, they are automatically renewed to the owner at the time of expiry, with the assumption the owner isn’t going to commit treason.
Like the ‘social credit score’ nonsense you people made up, it’s a gross misinterpretation of reality that you believe because you fundamentally believe Chinese people are different than you.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 4 weeks ago:
No, no they’re not.
- Comment on It really is like this 4 weeks ago:
Can you reply in some manner that’s close to the conversation we were having?
- Comment on It really is like this 4 weeks ago:
Using comparisons to make a point is not whataboubtism, Mr. Shapiro.
- Comment on It really is like this 4 weeks ago:
I’m sorry how long until Clinton 2028 is announced? Anyway xi has genuine party support, given, you know, his policy guidance has allowed China to surpass the us’ GDP while increasing the quality of life for citizens at all strata more than any other country in the same time period. That’s without bringing up his push for high speed rail, which has allowed more rail to be laid in the last 15 years than the EU and US have in total, combined. Or the green energy mandates which have out paced the entire rest of the world combined…
Successful leaders like xi tend to get reelected.
- Comment on It really is like this 4 weeks ago:
Sure, the kakistocracy of the US can be called an oppressive democracy since only the rich vote on legislation, but that’s different from the peoples parliament which allows anyone to join and have power.
- Comment on It really is like this 4 weeks ago:
…how do you think people get in power in China, given there are no familial dynasties like the US?