You could say the same about every developed nation. It took a bit more for most nations, but these nations had to literally invent concepts like public health and education, welfare and even socialism.
But yeah, every western European country has already eliminated the worst kind of poverty and on average European citizens are better off than Chinese citizens. Working conditions, working hours and safety laws in Europe are much better than the Chinese average.
The US is doing its own thing with extreme capitalism, and I’m against that, but let’s not kid ourselves, China has taken a lot of pages from the US’s economic model 4 weeks ago
If you can take the Chinese Government for their word. Which I can’t 4 weeks ago
Helping 800 Million People Escape Poverty Was Greatest Such Effort in History, Says Secretary-General, on Seventieth Anniversary of China’s Founding
Lifting 800 Million People Out of Poverty – New Report Looks at Lessons from China’s Experience 4 weeks ago
Do you take the Chinese citizens at theirs?
Very few governments on this planet have approval numbers this good, and even fewer have ones this good when it’s a neutral third party conducting the surveys. 4 weeks ago
I’m sorry but a dictator for life is a dealbreaker.
It’s going to collapse once daddy dies like every dictatorship. 4 weeks ago
What makes you think Xi is a dictator? If your answer is “because that’s the vibe I get from American Government propaganda”, then you should reassess the things you think you know about the world. The truth is that China has a very vibrant and active democracy that is much more responsive to the demands of its people than that of most other nations, and Xi is merely the one currently at the top of that democratic system. 4 weeks ago