love new phone days! But yeah a cheap oppo is probably a bit hard to get excited about. Wont you not have a backup if your moving to a non-iphone?
Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: Wednesday, 29 January, 2025 5 weeks ago
New phone probably arriving today. As a kid would’ve been excited but not these days so got an el’ cheapo crappy one (oppo something or rather).
Old iphone refuses to charge I think because of bringing into the ocean so many times and the charging port has corroded lol. Worth it though. Had to be replaced anyway but I’m glad it kicked the bucket doing what it loved. 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Yea the backup is gonna be an issue. Don’t mind a clean slate though, sort of liberating. 5 weeks ago
except the photos and contacts, sure. i’ve got my photos tripled backed up. 5 weeks ago
30-60 minutes with a new phone, and it looks identical to my old phone. If I took a screenshot of my phone from 10 years ago, it’d be close enough to my present phone as to be indistinguishable.
Where they differ is the quality of the photos I take. I still took my DSLR around most of the time 10 years ago. I rarely bother these days. It still takes better photos, but the difference is not worth the effort unless I’m specifically going some place to take photos. 5 weeks ago
I know that you mean. The excitement has pretty much evaporated for me as well. 5 weeks ago
this is the leading argument in my mind to jump ship every so often. Samsung to iphone? Huge. Samsung to Samsung or iphone to iphone? meh. Running my poor 13 into the ground till theres something worth upgrading, like the 120hz display on the new pros.