the many alarms and the short interval between them is to disrupt the snooze entirely.
Comment on Now I've got to run from the parking lot into work... 5 weeks agoI used to do this too but I realized that that I could sleep a couple of more minutes if I had only one alarm and just snoozed it whenever I wanted to sleep a bit longer. 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
I misread alarm as arm for a bit there 4 weeks ago
I want to try this but I’m paranoid I’ll just miss the only alarm. 4 weeks ago
Maybe try starting with weekends and times when it’s not critical to be up at a certain time? 3 weeks ago
At the moment, no alarms even work for me on weekends. I’ve been waking up anywhere from noon to 4 PM… 3 weeks ago
Put your phone/alarm clock so you’d have to get up to turn it off.