If Biden was getting more votes, why did the democratic party collude to make all the other candidates drop and put their support behind Biden while funding a super PAC to keep Warren in the race to split votes with Bernie right before the critical point of super tuesday? They also had their buddies in big media play the narrative of “the Biden miracle” where he edged ahead in South Carolina thanks to a single critical endorsement by Clyburn but was doing poorly before then. For this favor, the democrats moved South Carolina up in the primaries in 2024, even though South Carolina went to Trump in both 2020 and 2024 for the general election.
The democratic party felt so threatened by Bernie that they put their thumb on the scale during their own party primary which is already biased towards party-favored “moderate” candidates since people more in line with the party are more likely to vote in them.
Eldritch@lemmy.world 5 weeks ago
I wouldn’t say he got crushed. But you’re not wrong. Despite people being wrong down voting you for saying that he lost the popular vote. He 100% did. I can say that as someone who voted for sanders. Unfortunately a lot of Sanders voters can’t.
A lot of the Democrats primary rules weren’t very democratic. But Sanders knew what they were going in. And Democrats didn’t break the rules. And despite losing, Sanders got shit done and helped make the rules more democratic for the future.