Yeah, just go ahead and blame the consumer because the company makes shit product. They keep pushing stuff that the people don’t want. Any business doing this is going to go tits up. That’s just how it works. Are you out there buying 30 extra versions of Far cry to help them out? If not, stfu about it and blame the people in charge, definitely not the consumer.
Comment on Ubisoft announces studio closure as it lays off 185 staff 5 weeks ago
Gamers won. No executives will lose a dime but 185 workers are screwed because Ubisoft bad and Steam good. 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
I wonder who do you think was at fault at the sinking of the Titanic, was it the Iceberg for you? 5 weeks ago
That’s a stupid analogy. The employees are not responsible for the bad management déecisions, they just want to be fairly paid for doing a job they like. Meanwhile “gamers” are fucking obsessed about trashing a game that isn’t out yet because “nO bLaCK SaMuRai iN my HiStorIc vidiyaGame aBout ficCtiNal chArcTers RuNNInG oN wAlls”. Just dont buy their games. 5 weeks ago
The travelers of the titanic were not responsible either for the crashing of the ship. Either way you’re missing the point. I didn’t mention a single game, the company which has taken a bad direction because of greed is to blame that developers have now lost their jobs. Not gamers. 5 weeks ago
We aren’t buying their games, which is why the studio closes. 5 weeks ago
Ubisoft is bad Steam is good 5 weeks ago
Steam is just another soul-less capitalist business. They employ less then 100 people but take 30% on every game sold. They would do the exact same things as Ubisoft if the estimate they could profite more from it. 5 weeks ago
Right, they profit more by being good. Ubisoft profits less by being bad. That’s how it’s supposed to work.