Comment on Anon introduces himself 5 weeks ago
I can see it now… I’m called first; I don’t know what an adjective is (I still struggle); I panic from the social anxiety of stage fright; I awkwardly try to say anything at all, so I can sit the fuck down and move on; so I say, “Really Richard”
I’m told that’s an adverb, and I need to use an adjective. Now I’m pale as a ghost and about to faint from the panic. I stutter, “Richmond Richard?”. I’m informed that’s a proper noun, so I quickly try again (visibly sweating) spouting, “Reading Richard!”… and am told to sit down, because that was a noun and I’ve now been assigned extra homework on grammar.
Someone snickers and says “Retarded Richard” in a low voice. The entire class laughs, the teacher is doing their best not to crack a smile (but I can tell), and I am henceforth known as “Retarded Richard” until graduation and beyond.
Adverbs, adjectives, verbs… prepositions! I’m in a living nightmare. There is no waking up from this. I am, forever, “Retarded Richard” 4 weeks ago
At least Removed Richard keeps it as an adjective instead of making it a verb.