The funny thing is JK is a Leftist. She’s not with them on the trans stuff. So Rowling is Hitler 2.0.
Comment on Hogwarts Legacy - PC Modding Update 1 month ago
Can we mod out the transphobic creator who benefits monetarily? 1 month ago 5 weeks ago
Just give a wealthy person a pass on their bigotry. COMEON! PUH-LEEEEZ! They agree with us on other stuff! Why can’t you compromise your values and just give her a pass! 1 month ago
Racism and bigotry is so intrinsic to the world building of HP, that I find it kind of impossible to completely avoid it even by pirating the game to give no money to JKR and her allies. 1 month ago
Yeah… every time people do the “Well Harry Potter as a universe was great. It is just the creator that is shit” I just think of all the threads about the underlying racism, slavery, etc. The reality is that most of the die hard supporters never read the books and just watched the movies that already whitewashed over so much of the bigotry. 1 month ago
I honestly just think that most people have bad text analysis skills/lack of proper reading comprehension. The book is told by the perspective of a specific character, and that character says “the sky is green”, so people believe it because they can’t detach the POV from what they are reading. It happens every time, such as people believing that the Space Marines are the good guys, or that the fascist dictatorship in Starship Trooper isn’t that bad after all.
The movies whitewashed a lot of bad stuff, and I still felt creeped out by them when I was a kid. I’m happy that some people is finally coming around to understanding it now that JKR is more vocal of her outlandish political views. 1 month ago
I think it is more that people identify with a character that they REALLY should not. Scarface (first remake?) and Taxi Driver are pretty infamous examples of that. It HAS definitely gotten worse as media literacy has dropped to an abysmal level but it is still that fundamental concept of “This is the protagonist. I want to be like them. What they do must be right”
I can’t go too in depth on the harry potter movies since I never watched them. I was the cool kid who instead read about Harry Dresden and… that is a whole different bundle of misogyny, grooming, and copaganda. Yay…
But yeah. I still think so many people would benefit from sitting down and watching Yu Yu Hakusho of all things. That was a show that spent 2-3 major arcs tearing apart (what we would later call) toxic masculinity and pointing out that it is okay to like the cool as fuck thing but that you also need to understand what it actually is and reassess. 1 month ago
I wish. I will say that the devs understood that JK is an absolute piece of shit, and put things in the game that would probably piss her off specifically.
There’s at least one lesbian witch couple (who are married, and somewhat interracial), and then there is a confirmed trans witch in the game as well. Playing the game I thought “this is just a big middle finger to Rowling.” 1 month ago
It still results in money going to her pocket (and “causes”) and, if anything, whitewashes the franchise which had a lot of in-universe problems too.
It is the same logic as “If I shitpost on twitter then elon will be mad” 1 month ago
Also in the game, literally a third of the NPCs aren’t white or British. Half of the student companion quests are about students who aren’t white. They talk about other countries and the other schools all the time in side dialog. Four of your teachers aren’t even from Britain in the game.
I really feel like they tried to distance it as much as possible from JK’s harry potter and I honestly kinda liked it.
But I do still understand that a small portion of what I paid for the game went to Rowling and I do feel a little bad about it. But most of it went to the studio that made it, some went to Steam.