Arkham Knight was the first I noticed it really bad on, no RT present. Since then it seems most Unreal titles suffer from it in some kind of way.
Comment on Reviewers giving high scores to poorly optimised games really grinds my gears 5 weeks ago
In my experience it’s largely been unreal engine 5 games.
The issues with both Doom DA and Indiana Jones is that they have mandatory ray tracing that can’t be disabled. I generally think that ray tracing is a often a waste, it’s far too resource demanding, other lighting techniques can offer very similar visuals for a fraction of the cost. 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Sure it wastes your resources but the devs don’t need to do much so it speeds up their workflow. You are a sacrifice they are willing to make. 5 weeks ago
The audience being a sacrifice doesn’t always work out when they’re the ones expected to buy the game. 5 weeks ago
“I’m willing to sacrifice potential sales in order to have an easier dev cycle” - I’m frankly amazed that the higher ups ok-d that