I really want to like elite dangerous, but it’s so boring! The flight and controls (HOTAS) are amazing and hella immersive, but God damn if there’s something to do that isn’t grindy as fuck.
Comment on Rolling Stone's List of 50 Best Video Games of All Time
RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world 5 weeks ago
Well since they asked… here is my list of 50 Best Vide Games of All Time, unranked, in no particular order:
The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
Steel Battalion
Super Mario World
Metroid Prime
Halo Combat Evolved
Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour
The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Elden Ring
Resident Evil (1996)
Silent Hill 2
Project Zomboid
NieR Gestalt
Dark Souls
Star Wars Battlefront II (2005)
Metal Gear Solid 3
A Girl Who Chants Love At the Bound of This World YUNO (the 90s PC98 release or Windows releases, or the Saturn release)
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Need for Speed Underground 2
Phantasy Star Online V2 (Dreamcast)
Dino Crisis
Policenauts (SEGA Saturn release)
Yakuza 0
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
The Coma Recut
Super Metroid
No Man’s Sky
The Forest
Hollow Knight
Star Wars Tie Fighter
Crimson Skies
Age of Empires II (Definitive Edition is actually better than the original for once)
Metal Wolf Chaos
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Battlefield 4
Deep Rock Galactic
King’s Field II (Japan, aka King’s Field globally)
Half Life
Quake II
Splinter Cell
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Rogue Spear
Elite Dangerous
The Operative No One Lives Forever
Gauntlet Dark Legacy
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iamdefinitelyoverthirteen@lemmy.world 5 weeks ago
RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world 5 weeks ago
Its realistic, as opposed to Star Citizen which leans more on “rule of cool, not rule of real.” Real life space is boring. 99% of all planets that arent big gas balls are just big ice rocks. Ships are big, slow, heavy objects that take time to maneuver. Elite has a simulated galactic economy, which can be directly influenced by just a single dedicated player. It contains fantasy political turf scuffles, colony expansion, and all sort of other stuff. You can be pretty much anything, a bounty hunter, a miner, a merchant, a taxi, they even added first person shooter parts with the Odyssey DLC (like what Star Citizen already had).
Personally I think what people think about Elite Dangerous is also why so many people complain about Starfield. I like Starfield. While not perfect, it does a good job of mostly “realistic” space portrayal, even if it does contain some fantasy elements. Problem is, people were disappointed with Starfield because they expected Star Wars Skyrim, but got Elite Dangerous Skyrim instead. They wanted even more fantasy where Starfield leaned more into realism. If you like Elite Dangerous, there is a pretty good chance you will like Starfield. But if you don’t like Elite, you probably won’t like Starfield.
DoucheBagMcSwag@lemmy.dbzer0.com 5 weeks ago
Fuck yeah for Steel Battalion. With the rise of VR this would be an amazing game to come back to…too bad Capcom has no interest in it after Heavy Armor
RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world 5 weeks ago
Heavy Armor wasn’t FromSoftware’s fault, it was Capcom’s for forcing the Kinect as a controller. If they had made another controller for it like the first game, it definitely would have been better.
DoucheBagMcSwag@lemmy.dbzer0.com 5 weeks ago
That is heartbreaking