The last three bioware games the last three mass effect games?
Of Bioware’s last three games, Andromeda sucked, Anthem was an atrocity, but Veilguard was decent, not great like classic Bioware games, but it wasn’t bad, it was at least fun to play and had a decent story and characters.
Of the last three Mass Effect games, Andromeda sucked, ME3 was great until the Horizon mission then it goes to absolute dog shit, and ME2 was great as a character driven RPG but feels a bit out of place in the franchise as a whole.
Only in the latter case do I really see a true downward trajectory. In the former there’s a tentative upward trend in the quality of Bioware’s games. 5 weeks ago
yet they still keep making them. 5 weeks ago
Until they reach a threshold of consecutive disappointing results, and EA lays off the entire studio. 5 weeks ago
…and then hand the IP to another studio. 5 weeks ago
Looking forward to the Dragon Age go-kart racing game.