It’s very likely that the Earth military lobbed it toward earth as a pretext for war. The big planet was light years away (across the galaxy? I forget) and there was propaganda extolling the orbital defenses of Earth right before the hit. They had an orbital ring station around the Moon! No way they could miss a rock that big.
Comment on It's a good group! 5 weeks agoExcept they aren’t bugs in your home, they’re isolated to their own planet already.
Plus, consider the justification for the attack. The bugs attacked Earth first.
Consider the amount of maths and physics knowledge for us to get to our own moon. We have to calculate the trajectory of our own moon, the spin of the Earth, gravity, etc.
Now, in the movie, apparently the bugs bombed Earth.
FUCKING HOW. They exist outside our solar system. The level of maths for this is impossible without computers.
Not only have you got all the complications we had for a celestial body which was closest to us, but our sun has its own orbit within the milky way.
The narrative that the bugs attacked Earth first was a false flag. It was almost certainly just a meteor which couldn’t be stopped, which gave someone a reason to keep the perpetual motion machine of Fascism alive.
Without a common enemy, Fascism turns inwards. 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Lol alright, so earlier in the movie, Carmen is learning to fly the spaceship and has an accident where the run into the asteroid, which changes its trajectory and sends it to Earth, where it hits Buenos Aires. Carmen caused the whole thing 🤣 5 weeks ago
Oh shit, I missed that. 5 weeks ago
Okay, sure. But how is the bugs attacking first unlikely, when they are able to calculate that kind of interstellar trajectory to colonize all the other planets in their empire? They shoot spores into space and hit other planets to colonize.
Why could the bugs not have shot a colonizing spore at earth, or another human controlled planet, and that was perceived as an attack? The bugs empire rivaled the human empire after all.
Or am I missing something obvious here? 5 weeks ago
Our galaxy has a span of ~2 million light years.
Even if the bugs could send spores to neighboring planets, it would take billions of years for them to send spores to earth, as they aren’t capable of light-speed travel. 5 weeks ago
There is too many different versions of starship troopers to have a meaningful conversation about the logistics of how they travel. But there are transport bugs capable of interstellar travel. The first one was located on Pluto, so they were already in our system. Depending on which version of Starship Troopers you bring up Buenos Aires was either attacked directly by the bugs or had a meteor destroy it.
And the bugs have to have some sort of FTL travel since the humans followed the first transport bug back to the Arachnid homeworld. If that would take billions of years then the humans wouldn’t have been able to follow them back after they left Sol.
Starship Troopers is full of plot holes and inconsistencies that would, again, likely prevent us from having a meaningful conversation about the logistics of the Arachnids. 5 weeks ago
The film is so on the nose, that in the end they come out with actual nazi uniforms and people still didn’t get it.