As a Catholic, it’s slightly grating for most criticisms regarding Christianity to just be reactions to the most obnoxious Protestants.
(for reference,
- not being a Christian isn’t a sin
- while it is required to believe a Hell exists, there is no requirement to believe anyone is there
- we don’t ever purport to know whether anyone is there or not
- ……/deb1ae7d735c691b97d3766207fcd10da8e…
- free choice/will is paramount
- we break sins into veneal and mortal
- mortal sins are the ones that send you to Hell
- you cannot commit a mortal sin without full knowledge that what you’re doing is wrong and choosing so anyway
- we may not necessary be clear on the hows/whys/details but it follows that anyone in Hell is there because of deliberate choice on their part
- again, not believing isn’t a sin
- see previous point about the possibility no one is there
- we break sins into veneal and mortal
Not to say that Catholicism doesn’t have things it can be criticized for (Lord knows) but I know the type of Christians your taking about and it’s just so far and beyond removed from our actual theology) 5 weeks ago
It’s about conversion, control, and propagation of religious ideas. It isn’t about making the nicest fairytale.