That’s just not true. They have their own emulators, but most of the time they are inferior to community ones. I think Virtual Console releases used some kind of optimized emulators for their hardware, but didn’t care about accuracy, etc.
Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 2 weeks ago
You don’t say, Nintendo. Pretty sure they’re also using open source emulators, from the developers they really hate, to run their older titles. 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago
Idk their emulation is garbage except for the suspension and rewind. A lot of the open source emulation I have seen, especially of Nintendo products, is immaculate. 2 weeks ago
Not to mention the selection of games available is pretty paltry. 2 weeks ago
Zelda 64 on the Switch was a mess at release, but the emulator has improved greatly since then.