Same here but also, when a series is starting to get old when you’ve rewatched too much too recently or whatever, those “bad” episodes can be a fresh experience due to consistently avoiding them lol
Comment on I just finished watching Voyager... again 2 months ago
At this point when I re-watch Voyager, I tend to skip the episodes that don’t interested my. In my opinion, Voyager has issues with consistency, that I believe comes from fatigue in the formula the series’ in the (80s/90s/00s) used. There are some very high highs (message in a bottle, scorpion, blink of an eye) but equally low lows (threshold, any ireland based holodeck episode. Neelix and Kess stories). So its worth it for the ones you enjoy, but don’t sweat the bad ones - unless you want to watch everything 2 months ago
I’ve seen those bad episodes once also so I’d say that I paid my dues. But I don’t think threshold was that bad of an episode. It was a silly story, but it was still really fun to watch. 2 months ago
B-Dunks’ performance is masterful in Threshold. It’s every hammy instinct one could muster up, but with production value. The tongue scene alone is amazing.