2 months ago
The performance improvements claims are a bit shady as they compare the old FG technique which only creates one frame for every legit frame, with the next gen FG which can generate up to 3.
All Nvidia performance plots I’ve seen mention this at the bottom, making comparison very favorable to the 5000 series GPU supposedly. 2 months ago
Thanks for the heads up.
I really don’t like that new Frame interpolation tech and think it’s almost only useful to marketers but not for actual gaming.
At least I wouldn’t touch it with any competitive game.
Hopefully we will get third party benchmarks soon without the bullshit perfs from Nvidia. 2 months ago
On the side with the performance graphs, Farcry and Plague Tale should be more representative, if you want to ignore FG. That’s still only two games, with first-party benchmarks, so wait for third-party anyway.