That’s where I was a couple years ago. Originally, I had an R9 290. Amazing card circa 2014, but its 4 GB of VRAM aged it pretty badly by 2020. Now I’ve got a 4070, which is way more than good enough for the 1080p60 that I run at. I’ll upgrade the rest of the PC to match the GPU a little better in the future, but for right now, I don’t need to. Except maybe for Stellaris.
But I just ripped a bunch of my old PS2 games to my PC because I felt like revisiting them. And my PS2 is toast. RIP, old friend. :( 2 weeks ago
My computer needs an upgrade now, but really what’s happening is I’m getting GPU bottlenecked, the CPU is still okay actually. 2 weeks ago
Upgrade the GPU, reveal the CPU bottleneck. 2 weeks ago
That’s where I was a couple years ago. Originally, I had an R9 290. Amazing card circa 2014, but its 4 GB of VRAM aged it pretty badly by 2020. Now I’ve got a 4070, which is way more than good enough for the 1080p60 that I run at. I’ll upgrade the rest of the PC to match the GPU a little better in the future, but for right now, I don’t need to. Except maybe for Stellaris.
But I just ripped a bunch of my old PS2 games to my PC because I felt like revisiting them. And my PS2 is toast. RIP, old friend. :(