- Comment on Five flavors 🤤 4 months ago:
“Bon Jovi for Goth Dads” is the other one I enjoy. I love Ghost, Tobias writes exactly the music he wants. Not trying to be metal, he was heavily influenced by og heavy metal (Sabbath) and the theatrics of the glam/hair metal era (Kiss). Combine the two and ya, that’s just Ghost.
It’s very intentionally campy and fun, like year round Halloween.
- Comment on If Bethesda released Skyrim today, they would have made it woke 5 months ago:
This is literally the first time I have seen Things Fall Apart mentioned since high school, 20yrs ago.
Good book, kinda got ruined by the typical over analysation of a HS English class though.
- Comment on Crypto bros have discovered idle games, and the results are incredibly boring 5 months ago:
Kinda like that big infographic of logical fallacies. Honestly there seems to be a core set of like a dozen scams and everything from there is derivative more or less. Kinda love it when I hear of some actually clever way of stealing people’s money as opposed to just grift or obvious lies.
- Comment on Big Penny! 5 months ago:
Boston has a whole road that is the physical manifestation of Chaos.
Storrow Drive. Runs along the Charles and is basically the northern border of the city. It has many underpasses, most of which are low enough to munch moving trucks. Every year around late Aug early Sept when college kids are moving in a few trucks get Storrow’d. It’s refered to as The Storrowing. It’s a fun time to need to get around the city.
Honestly Storrow is one of the scariest roads in New England, and I used to drive every day to and from work almost the entire length of Memorial which is on the opposite bank of the Charles which is a NARROW four lane road (2*2), with a speed limit that is both probably too high and completely ignored, on top of being almost eternally congested. How I didn’t see a horrible wreck every day confuses me still.
tl;Dr: Don’t drive in Boston unless your ready for some fun (I love the chaos)
- Comment on Let's discuss: Monster Hunter 5 months ago:
MH4U (on 3DS) is what got me hooked! Still maybe my favorite, it just had an obnoxious amount of content. Still have my CirclePadPro around somewhere…
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 5 months ago:
Spillways in my Ass
- Comment on Anon tries to be a different person 8 months ago:
Just wanted to bandwagon and thank you also. This is basically what I believe and espouse but now I know there’s a broader term! Much appreciated!
- Comment on So I got hit with Microsoft's Windows 11 nag screen... 8 months ago:
Roblox runs great on Linux, they just explicitly blocked it right?
- Comment on Cloudflare Employee records her final meeting where HR tries to fire her 1 year ago:
At least in Massachusetts this is entirely incorrect. Have had friends fired for cause, zero issues collecting unemployment.
- Comment on Anon is Icelandic 1 year ago:
Ironically every zoo I have been too does actually have a train 😅
- Comment on It's a good thing they aren't in charge of adult toys... 1 year ago:
Yea I had to scroll down to the review pictures, I seriously thought I was going crazy over what is a super simple thing lol
- Comment on It's a good thing they aren't in charge of adult toys... 1 year ago:
Am I crazy or is the example picture of the interlock backwards. Both sides can be turned on, but only one can be off at the same time 😅
- Comment on Finally my Teal'c cosplay will be screen accurate. 1 year ago:
Dude, literally just reread the whole body preperation scene again like 12hrs ago.