- Comment on Sorry lemmy but I have to ask? 11 months ago:
Libretube and Clipious are not fronts ends, they just use Piped and Invidious front ends respectively.
- Comment on Sorry lemmy but I have to ask? 11 months ago:
Newpipe, Libretube, Clipious. Those are front ends for youtube. I would recommend reading about them and cheling them out.
- Comment on I just want to view the recipe 11 months ago:
I read the study, it only compares just one iPhone to one Google Pixel phone and it concludes that Google just sends more accumulated data, not more data type. The reason for that is because DroidGuard send a full device integrity report to google to check things like the bootloader, mounts, if its rooted, if its an emulator, etc… Plus its checking for API hooking like Frida as the study testers where using. Droidguard is a huge obfuscated blob of data so sending loads of obfuscated data keys makes sense. The study concludes that while google calls for more data, the type of data regarding privacy is the same for iOS and Google Android.
You say that you want your phone for productivity like modifying your phone would be unproductive. Which is funny since your are on Lemmy commenting on a post about “Mildy Infuriating Stuff”. If you do not care for for modification is one thing, but if one wishes to do so one should be able to do it. I’m totally fine with using tools as is, but if one would like to modify it then Apple, Google or whomever should not prevent it, if it voids the warranty or some other contract then so be it. It is your tool not theirs.
I agree with you that Google are a piece of shit, just that I think the same of Apple. I think that buying a phone for $1500 when there are other options for $400 is insane. From what I have read most developers and regular people who want privacy and freedom try to de-Google their phone, or run a custom ROM, and on their PC they run Debian, Arch or whatever. If that i not an option for you that is fine, but is not for nothing that people are running away from Apple and Google while they are getting their asses sued, it is not for nothing that government institutions around the world are replacing Windows with GNU/Linux.
- Comment on I just want to view the recipe 11 months ago:
A closed source OS of a company that has broken every anti-trust law, thats sells phones with no headphone jack or charger and calls it features and you tell me it does not sell data. Google and Apple are two of the same Monster. But you can not modify you Iphone whatsoever, Jailbreaking an Iphone is a pain in the ass, while in Android isnt a breeze either it is much easier. Android in it self (Android Open Source Project) kicks any iOS in the ass. The problem is that vendors put a thick layer of their version of android. If you get your hands on a phone that is compatible with Lineage Os (very close to (AOSP) you can escape Googles jail for good. And while agree with tou that Google’s Android is bad it ia certainly not any worse than iOS. Do not take my word for it, just ask any developer.
- Comment on I just want to view the recipe 11 months ago:
How is it worse? If you use google apps it is obiously the same as using apple apps. But otherwise you can remove telemetry, use foss apps and if you are up to it patch a safey net fix to use banking apps.
- Comment on I just want to view the recipe 11 months ago:
If you are only concerned about blocking ads thats fine and good. But if your are concerned about privacy one should ditch apple devices altogether. Not to mention freedom.
- Comment on I just want to view the recipe 11 months ago:
ah yes, a $1500 phone with software that won’t allow you to do shit under the flag of security and UI.
- Comment on Adobe putting spam in notification tray on Windows 11 months ago:
just that?
- Comment on Alpha life 11 months ago:
I was born in 1996 andthis post made me very happy and nostalgic.
- Comment on What game fits this? 1 year ago:
the one that makes you forget how the sun looks like
- Comment on Let's confuse Americans! 1 year ago:
Chilean here and I do not know what am I looking at…
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
This made me laugh so hard
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
If you are using Gnome just use Gnome tweaks and install “Dash to dock” extension(it has auto hide feature). There are many usefull extensions in the Gnome extensions site.
- Comment on The death of ownership: Companies are taking away your ability to actually own the stuff you buy 1 year ago:
I disagree, they are all for ownership rights, just not ours.
- Comment on Internet Hole 1 year ago:
I should call her
- Comment on Why is that on the internet, people assume you're a male from America, but if you're a vegan on the internet, people assume you're female? 1 year ago:
Easiest stereotypes to confirm? most likely that.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Risk Global Domination
- Comment on Will youtube eventually run out of storage? 1 year ago:
I do not think do, but I read google is scraping for money from every paid user so maybe yes. Plus many people are leaving the platform to decentralized options.