The End is Nigh(tly updated, don’t worry)
- Comment on When did a movie misrepresent the country or city you live in? 8 months ago:
The SciFi channel show “Resident Alien” is supposed to take place in Colorado. It is clearly shot in Canada.
- Comment on Never forget... 9 months ago:
Where’s diabeetus?
- Comment on trapped! 9 months ago:
ask saturation divers
- Comment on Irish dock workers striking to prevent the export of food to Britain during a period of food insecurity in Ireland, 1920 10 months ago:
“the FUCK you gonna do?” on their faces makes me immeasurably happy
- Comment on trains 10 months ago:
seems like it should pay rent. hogging up all that condensor water like it’s free.
- Comment on Bees 10 months ago:
No one wants to be hugged by a clown
- Comment on 1983: Meet the COMPUTER ADDICTS 10 months ago:
I thought this was an episode of Look Around You
- Comment on I just want to view the recipe 10 months ago:
Ad"Choices"…ugh, get stuffed.
- Comment on life pro tip!! 10 months ago:
I wanna have a glow-poo!
whaaamp whhaaaaaaaammmmmph!
- Comment on Ridley Scott's 4-hour Napoleon cut shelved indefinitely 10 months ago:
He just looks bored and things happen. And then he looks bored again, repeat. I never bought he was Napoleon or what that was supposed to look like. Nothing stood out.
- Comment on Ridley Scott's 4-hour Napoleon cut shelved indefinitely 10 months ago:
I feel like even mentioning this terrible movie is wasting valuable time.
- Comment on Tell me 11 months ago:
A couch surfing hippy my room mate let stay with us for two horrible weeks decided to make some oily vegan garbage in our stock pot for a “thank you dinner”. I took one bite and almost puked from all the veggie oil she used. I asked if I could skim it off the top of the pot and she got all pissed, grabbed the pot and tried to flush it down our (only) toilet. It immediately overflowed a bunch of oily, undercooked, and flavorless crap onto our bathroom floor. There was much more drama after that involving an expensive bike, an ex boyfriend, unpaid roto-rooter bill, a rental steam cleaner, and new rules involving house guests. bonus: she used all of our food to make it, she bought nothing herself!
- Comment on Nepal tells Everest tourists to take their shit with them 11 months ago:
I think they should do a cleaning brigade gauntlet made of potential climbers. If you aclimate and clean well enough you get invited back for the next season depending on performance. Then, at the sherpa’s discretion, you may be allowed to summit. Sort of a “prove your worth first”. I bet the traffic jams and garbage would become a thing of the past.
- Comment on Nepal tells Everest tourists to take their shit with them 11 months ago:
Peak Shit
- Comment on Thrill seekers 11 months ago:
can’t remember the comedian, but his flex was “I buy my pants at Costco”
- Comment on It's gonna be so cool 11 months ago:
I’m gonna start drawing eyes on all my meat
- Comment on I am just here… 11 months ago:
extra butter please
- Comment on Ozzy gave THIS GUY permission, but not Ye? The hell? 1 year ago:
if only. i’d get right on that catholic shit. instead, Satan is my boy 4life! thanks Ozzy🤘
- Comment on Paramount Hopes the Super Bowl Can Power Up Its Streaming Business 1 year ago:
are we more sick of streaming services or superhero movies?
- Comment on Brought to you by the vertical mouse gang 1 year ago:
Or use as a buttplug with the same results.
- Comment on I went back in time to kill Hitler but instead we fell in love and our romance averted the war but then I was kidnapped back to the present and Hitler's broken heart made him do WW2 anyway. AMA 1 year ago:
Sometimes micro-dosing is just straight up trippin’ balls.
- Comment on David Chase Says TV’s Golden Age Is ‘Over:’ It Was a ’25-Year Blip’ 1 year ago:
I think there is nowhere to go with cuisine. All the good food has been made and no one should try because I’m too stubborn to change or try something new. Also, unrelated, I’ve had great success as a cook and don’t want people to forget so I’ll complain loudly with the last bit of my vanishing influence.
- Comment on Era of complex and ambitious TV is over, says Sopranos creator 1 year ago:
Fargo sorta negates that argument.
- Comment on Mayim Bialik Out As ‘Jeopardy!’ Host 1 year ago:
Good. Byeeeeeee.
- Comment on Dog 1 year ago:
The Dog in a V-Neck Sweater
- Comment on Why doesn't the United Kingdom rejoin the European Union? 1 year ago:
it’s like an unstable ex-girlfriend trying to get back together. and now she’s down on her luck with even less to offer.