- Comment on Pocketpair reveals specific patents featured in Nintendo's lawsuit against Palworld 4 months ago:
The Namco(which I wrongly attribute to Konami) thing “is” very specific. Remember during that time there are not a lot multi core processors. It requires clever scheduling to allow running both the mini-game AND checking loading status to seamlessly transition into game. It’s really not just a simple “concept” but ingenuity to arrange your loading I/O wait time into running their past game at the same time. That’s in PS1 era where loading wait time because of CD-ROM and later DVD was very significant.
- Comment on Pocketpair reveals specific patents featured in Nintendo's lawsuit against Palworld 4 months ago:
it’s like the first person invent a way to make the pop cap for your travel coffee mug. Like, anyone could have come up with that idea, right? compare to screw cap we used to have. We do have plenty of examples where the patent aren’t really popular until after it is expired or irrelevant.
Like, yeah, in a heatlhy competition env, it is way better for consumer in the beginning. But because of how capital works, eventually without patent it all goes to the bigger corps.
- Comment on Pocketpair reveals specific patents featured in Nintendo's lawsuit against Palworld 4 months ago:
for practical physical good, some times a patent just means I did this first doesn’t mean it’s hard to do or replicate. ie. like the umbrella wedge/spring to make it open automatically. That’s the part of ingenuity. And why I think the mini game during loading screen worth the patent.
I don’t like algorithm patent because ultimately, it was there, if original sha hash wasn’t developed, someone would come up with a different method that doing roughly the same. It’s the math and other prior foundation in computer hasing/data processing provides the idea and how you can process and get the hash fast. so your newer arrangement of faster version(like different sorting algorithm) would not be possible without those other research.
ie. for my own example, my thesis involves doing polygon culling strategy, my base algorithm is totally base on math prediction as to what’s the optimum I can achieve minimum culling checks. BUT, that algorithm is actually slower than when you implement the checks base on how GPU is doing the render plus cache efficiency. If I did not know or not aware how computer works from prior study, I can’t figure out why my “optimum” algorithm is actually slower than sub-optimum checking strategy.
Say, what if SHA or whatever algorithms is implemented, and is actually very impactful to other application, which can be proven that anyone can naturally come to this conclusion by doing their own research, simply grant that patent impedes future development. Another computer graphic patent is the Joe Alter hair distribution, it has nothing to do with ingenuity and just because his dad is a good patent lawyer, it blocks any healthy competition from selling CG hair grooming product in US. If you check the patent itself, that was like trying to patent a math distribution over surface.
- Comment on Pocketpair reveals specific patents featured in Nintendo's lawsuit against Palworld 4 months ago:
You should not patent algorithms as it’s a “discovery” not an invention.
There are 2 main category in software patents that mimics real life production, that I think is fairly acceptable.
- ingenuity: komani patent that mini game during loading screen
- unique concept: the nemesis system
The throwing ball to capture creature I think is more copyright than patent.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
If you are a software company, like valve, but to publish phone app. They have to go through Google store since that’s how you get that “verified” thing and you don’t have to enable developer mode. And for user that’s a peace of mind.
Is there a phishing website on PC, yeah, and how do you know? Usually it’s going through search engine or your bookmark and then check the HTTPS icons on your browser. There are also signed cert if you download and the windows exe launcher will check that with 3rd party cert. These alternative methods are not readily available on a phone, and that’s intentionally implemented so software developer will funnel back to the play store.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
You can’t really open a android store unless you make phone and ship with your own store. Like Samsung one, it’s listed in the play store contract, almost all forms of paying developer directly is not allowed. There are many conditions/steps and warnings if you tried to install apps off the play store, some of them waive your warranty. You also open the phones to potential scammer to have identical looking website and instruct users to install app that steal identity.
- Comment on U.S. to ban Chinese, Russian software and hardware used in autonomous vehicles 5 months ago:
I am fine with electric car that have software to monitor battery/motor efficiency and gives feedback for the driver/owner. But have it controls almost everything and can remote brick your vehicle is like you never really own the car.
- Comment on The Computer We All Wish We’d Had In The 8-Bit Era 6 months ago:
Thanks for letting me know about this logic table thing, that explains my question when younger why some old computers had massive array of same components put together.
ps. my first computer was a 80286 knock off. By the time I get to high school(basically 80386 era) that have a computer tech club where member bring their old computer parts to share, they are mostly no longer functional. I basically donated my old 80286’s 20MB hard drive for tear down and that’s first time me and other member see what it looks like inside a hard drive.
- Comment on The Computer We All Wish We’d Had In The 8-Bit Era 6 months ago:
not necessary FPGA but can be re-writable: see
I am not good in that hardware emu branch but my guess is that they pick something that can drive and matches original clock speed as the old programmable rom was no longer produced. (the antique people would buy old broken ones and rip parts off them or try to restore them.)
- Comment on The Computer We All Wish We’d Had In The 8-Bit Era 6 months ago:
From look at the board, basically it looks like they did the “hardware” emu approach. But people I know that enjoy retro stuff they either want the look(original or replica case/keyboard, but internal is more modern that runs software emu) or they want the antique(functional original). It’s pretty rare to see these kinda of hardware emu where they bundle chips as close to old ones while trying to replicate how the old hardware work and then drive with another modern board for the input/output.
- Comment on Walmart's use of digital price tags signal the future of retail shopping, but consumers are worried 7 months ago:
As long as they are still sending out flyers with stuff you buy you are okay. Also, if you already knew the price range of your regularly shopped goods, you know something is off. Superstore is already using digital tags. And you can just pull out your phone and take pictures.
Lastly, it should be put into law so you can’t increase price during the day. Going down is fine, but no going down and then going up again for peak hour. Stores can set whatever price they want to sell before opening. (for those non-regulated things)
- Comment on Mysterious cyberattack took down more than 600,000 routers in the U.S. 9 months ago:
It’s the end point modem+router. It’s like saying removing the landline phone from people’s house without destroy the exchange boxes would cripple communication. It’s not cause they are easily replaced.
- Comment on Need fighting game advice 11 months ago:
if you mean the dive then just standing medium kick with proper spacing, if you are on emu you can snap shot the match or add more token and just practice anti air if it jump and dive from mid distance.
Source :…/Ken Image
- Comment on Need fighting game advice 11 months ago:
If you only play old games for story mode, the CPU read inputs so you are gonna have a bad time anyway if you don’t exploit their tendencies. Don’t spam fire ball cause I think by the 2nd or 3rd match you start to getting jumped on. In fact, if you know how to do anti air(couch heavy punch from Ken) with proper timing you can beat the run pretty easily except char with command grab.
Like for CPU don’t even try complex input, read on internet for most basic punish(like empty jump in and then throw against zoner) cause throw is really high damage strong in SF2. If you push them to wall then you do the light punch fireball with some distance to bait them to jump over then do your punish.
- Comment on Need fighting game advice 11 months ago:
well, I am not good but consider I can usually finish all the combo trainings 100% so my execution is quite okay. (I quit fighting game cause the button tapping is quite noisy, so no more fighting game after my son was born. )
- street fighter have a couple arch type, ryu/ken is shoto and they have actually different play style even though their basics looks similar.
- for any fighting game the distance that your opponent’s attack can reach is very important. a good player can simply whiff punish you and throw jabbing you because you don’t understand the +/- etc after a blocked/whiffed attack.
- hit confirm is also important, which means a simple combo that you can start when you have advantage, but not too “negative” when it’s blocked. (training mode can show these info) Where the first 2~3 hit of your combo is safe and once you get better and landing those 2~3 hit combo, pick something that allows you to cancel into special moves, knock down or throw(which is also a down). All the more fancy complex combo is not really useful if you can’t even land a 2~3 hit combo on opponent.
- punishing specific match up’s bad move, ie. a fireball at wrong distance allows opponent to jump in and lands full combo out of it. you have to do training mode a lot and study your match up.
- and finally, study the neutral game, where both side starts from distance that all normal attacks are out of range, what can you do from that point of space and what opponent’s char can do from their space. If you keep getting beat by opponent’s certain move, rewatch the replay, check their input, record that input to a training dummy, and find what you can do as counter.
It’s a huge time sink and there are also cheaters(on pc specifically), so good luck.
- Comment on He revealed the secrets ! 11 months ago:
Merge needs some stomp, yeah, mine stomp yours.
- Comment on How Subscription Services are designed to BANKRUPT you 11 months ago:
thanks lemmy and now I know what it is and doesn’t have to watch. ;)
- Comment on Steam is a ticking time bomb 11 months ago:
Yeah, but at the same time, people are “NOT” going to pay for it won’t pay for it anyway. You might as well establish your player/fan base. Like even if you give me say, Suicide Squad for free I still won’t add it to my library.
- Comment on Steam is a ticking time bomb 11 months ago:
I wish that in the future developer can just host their own game with very minimum cost/overhead unless they really need some platform’s backend feature. (multiplayer game mostly.)
For single player game I really don’t see why it is so difficulty to host (even torrent it) would be a hard thing to do. During the shareware/pre-steam days where you may have downloaded the full game with a soft lock, I’ve played a whole game and then try find way to send my money as well. (was not living in NA at that time and there was no guarantee that a game will be imported with official vendor.)
- Comment on IMF predicts AI will impact 40% of jobs worldwide, exacerbating inequality and social tensions 1 year ago:
Hate to say this but what a big blob of BS because the ownership class find out pretty early that if no one else is making money to buy the shits they make, they can’t make more money. (We will skip the pre 1900 slavery scenario, as they can just force you to work and just keep you alive is enough as slaves are “production equipment” like cows/horses. )
People generate value if they do or make something other people want, currency invented to cover that value gap so supply, demand, skill and rarity, efficiency and many different quality of your work/product/service decides how many $ you get when people want your service. At least, that’s how it all should be in equal footing. But since money == power when the scale goes up, since ancient time successful merchants holds a lot influence in politics and cause unbalance in wealth distribution. They can only push it so far until they get hunting down and stuff taken, but usually by other influential political/business figures that does the raids.
Having said the above, a lot of small and medium scale business owners values their employees a lot, especially those that truly have the skill set that compliments their business. And, do I need to remind you to do a bit of study of history, the invention of machines, tele-communication and then the boom of computers(especially general purpose ones), yet global population keeps going up and up instead of all starved to death cause the jobs these past things replaced?
And, just to do a quick review of how much people hates the automated phone support menu system transition from traditional to modern voice recognition ones. Or how many internet goer hates the auto generated useless pages plague our search result and provide nothing useful, waste our time click and read just to serve some ads? Yeah, like many worried before, what if computer replaced our jobs? Well, they need people to make the computer work. AI isn’t going to be fully automated and self improve, we are pretty far from that. many successful model needs guided training, and usually prevents additional feedback into the system to avoid degrading the performance.
- Comment on What games do you think are unfairly snubbed when talking about the best games of all time? 1 year ago:
that’s why I argue you can’t put “best” and “all time” together. If the title says “best game of their time but got snubbed by medias” then I might have a couple of my own to provide as example.
- Comment on What games do you think are unfairly snubbed when talking about the best games of all time? 1 year ago:
IMO, it’s hard to claim best game of all time unless it ages well, and not just some unique gimmick the game provided at the time.
Ie, I don’t like Tetris but for sure it is one of the best game of all time.
However, if what you mean is good games that somewhat get outshined by others or lacks media attentions, then I agree. There are plenty of other games, and I think people would have bias toward their favorite genre/type.
- Comment on Facebook introduces another way to track you - Link History 1 year ago:
Thank you so much. :D
- Comment on Google Pixel phones and smartwatches are up to 21 percent off 1 year ago:
I had bad experience with Nexus, and then my friend’s pixel died in 2 years. (I know it’s anecdote) And with not so good warranty reputation (very spotty if you search a bit) I kinda don’t want to touch it unless I don’t have other options.
- Comment on Facebook introduces another way to track you - Link History 1 year ago:
- I don’t install Facebook app on phone and find ways to remove/disable if come pre-installed.
- Pretty much all social network platform are browsed with a container tab.
- I look at the link before I click, if it’s super long or some google redirecting shit I just DDG and search the keywords myself. (is there a firefox extension that does this automatically?? removing the redirect/tracking link and convert back into normal link)
- Comment on Google Pixel phones and smartwatches are up to 21 percent off 1 year ago:
not going to buy it but is there any factory unlocked phone people can buy that are:
- not crap spec wise
- can install custom rom and still retain all the function
- popular enough so when the time comes for fixing you can find parts and/or shops that can fix it.
asking cause my phone probably have about 1 year left in terms of battery shelf life, I am pretty lucky as it’s a 4 years old galaxy A70 that can still last almost 3 days without charging. (note, I am really light phone user, it’s basically my alarm clock and calendar/event reminder. and occasionally look up stuff when I am outside.)
- Comment on Discontinued and unreleased Microsoft peripherals revived by licensing deal 1 year ago:
Believe it or not I had that and the logitech ones. The index/middle finger track ball is a bit less precise due to how our fingers are built and it’s a pita to clean them for both the ball and the rolling axis and the housing(since it’s a concave shape). Eventually I caved to the modern censor mouse since no cleaning is required. (well, except those pads adhesive attracting dust etc. )
- Comment on 8BitDo stuffed 16 buttons into its hand-crampingly small Micro controller 1 year ago:
My son would love this when he was 3yo. Now he is 7yo where DualSense is a bit too big while the his hori switch wired controller is getting worse.(buttons become a bit sticky) there should be official controllers for the 4-9yo range.