- Comment on Anyone remember this? 1 week ago:
Mosaic and Lynx on Sun workstations was how I started as well. Back then, there was a ton of open ftp access as well, wild.
- Comment on Amazon paid more than $1bn to take creative control of James Bond 1 week ago:
Musk is more of a Spy Kids villain. Trump is a Lazy Town villain as Spoticus is diametrically opposed to him even more than Robby Rotton. Putin is the perfect Bond villain, complete with his own evil mountain hideout.
- Comment on Inspirational 2 weeks ago:
It gets worse as the horse was part of a herd that came with the ranches he purchased to smush into a mega ranch. He wanted rid of the horses as they cost a fair bit to keep, so he was literally giving away something that saved him money and cost them.
- Comment on Hair loss drug finasteride 'biggest mistake of my life' 5 weeks ago:
Low T also causes hairloss…
Also, I used the difficulty in getting TRT when HRT is so widely available as a perfect example of how much harder it is to get medication for men from the NHS.
- Comment on Hair loss drug finasteride 'biggest mistake of my life' 5 weeks ago:
Its availability of treatment as well for mens health. TRT thresholds that the NHS applies to men are insanely low, almost like they do not want to spend the money rather than provide actual benefit to people with low test. Its pretty bad as the threshold for women to get HRT is almost non existent and its just given out without further tests.
While I think TRT should only be issued once tested it should be at higher thresholds as it solves so many other issues. However like the new weight loss drugs we do not give the NHS enough money to stick it on prescription for everybody that would benefit from it, particularly as both are likely to be very long term to whole life treatments.
- Comment on Alien: Romulus sequel will show things that have never been seen in the franchise before 1 month ago:
Alien franchise that we’ve never been before, and to discover things that you’ve never seen before.
this just smacks of writing a film by devising a bunch of action sequences and reveals then smushing it together hoping that the big shinny sequences distract from the plot and characters being wafer thin cardboard cutouts like last time.
Its terrible writing to work like this, cobbling together a script around predefined points. Its typical of film writing by committee where everybody on the committee has to add in their idea they came up with independent of the script to demonstrate their value.
- Comment on how do you workout when you don't have much time? 2 months ago:
I switched to working out at home and saved a whole bunch of time I used to spend getting to and from the gym, plus all the faffing about waiting to get on the stations I wanted to use. Its not going to work for everyone but if you can do some sort of workout at home or at work if you lucky enough to work somewhere that has facilitates, then you can save a whole bunch of time.
As others have mentioned switching to high intensity can give you as big an impact in a lot less time. Unless you training for endurance events spending a couple of hours working out everyday can actually be counter productive. I used to train twice a day six days a week, an hours weights in the morning then two to three hours of BJJ/Kickboxing and I never made the same strength gains as when I toned that shit down.
Two hours is pretty excessive, you should be doing 10 minutes stretching tops, unless its an actual stretching workout such as yoga or you are working out an injury. Spending an hour on a stair master or a runner is only good if you actually challenging your heart rate during that time, and then only if you working on endurance for a reason.
- Comment on Poll reveals the amount of Brits who would take weight-loss jabs for free on NHS 3 months ago:
This is using BMI, which while the vast majority of these people are at the very least overweight it will be missing all the unhealthy skinny fat people.
I wish they would switch to a system that takes account of waist/hip ratio as if you do not have a narrower waist than hips (with a bigger differential if you are a woman) you are carrying more fat than you should be and are also at a risk of a variety of “fat” people illnesses such as heart attacks, diabetes, etc. despite your weight being in a normal range as you lack the muscle mass and/or skeletal mass for your height
The actual number of people who need to sort out their diet and exercise is just shocking.
- Comment on Kemi Badenoch announced as new leader of Conservative Party 3 months ago:
It’s the fact that she weaponises it, often using herself as an example of why something isn’t needed, such as DEI or maternity pay, ignoring that she ended up in an incredibly privileged position even before becoming a MP.
Couple that with her bloodthirsty desire for revenge on anybody or anything that annoys her, such as her statement that a quarter of civil servants belong in jail means if she did ever get in we would have ideocial purges worthy of any of the most nutty dictators.
I absolutely do not buy her defense that it was just a jolly jape, that’s the defense of the far right when they fail to land enough support for whatever hateful shit they just spouted.
- Comment on Harvest in England the second worst on record because of wet weather 4 months ago:
Worth noting that lower UK production, either caused by climate change such as the article talks about, or farmers either turning over fields to non farming uses such as solar or housing as farming is no longer profitable for them, means increased inflation for food. It also means we are less resilient to further food inflation if other countries have their own climate changed farming issues as we saw a little while ago.
Failure to invest in farming now means small savings today but higher food prices tomorrow.
- Comment on 'Climate tipping points' could 'wipe out' UK crop growing, report warns 4 months ago:
It’s the cost to transition, it’s different equipment such as tractors for vines are different from tractors for cereal crops, it’s the other facilities, field layouts, soil composition, training for the farmer that they will need support with. Plus picking fruit currently requires people in much larger numbers than harvesting traditional cereals.
With the bad weather we are getting for winter crops with the heavy rain ruining planting, climate change is already here for UK farmers. We have to do something, even if it’s just funding to improve drainage for those who can.
The real problem is the lack of appetite from government as it needs actual planning and money, something lacking so far.
- Comment on I just opened an overpriced can of fancy soup and on the label, along with the expected stuff like 'gluten-free' and 'GMO-free,' was 'mustard free' and 'celery free.' Is that a thing now? 4 months ago:
As others have mentioned, you can be allergic to mustard, however mustard often contains gluten either from it being processed in the same factory as other gluten containing products or from the vinegar that is added. Many vinegars contain gluten due to the barley.
- Comment on Keir Starmer pins economic growth hopes on British Hollywood with new tax relief 4 months ago:
Pinning your hopes on tax relief on Hollywood when Hollywood is perfectly fine pushing the absolute limit of whats legal with their finances seems as daft as his carbon capture scheme. Hollywood is quite prepared to cancel or delete even expensively made content because it will make them more money as a tax rebate than with residuals or marketing costs.
Even if they don’t out right cancel it, we end up subsidising bombs like the $50m tax break wasted on Ant-Man and Wasp or $55m for Marvels that lost Disney $300m ish.
Giving them more tax rebates is also dumb because you are competing any number of other places for who can be the cheapest to work at with the largest tax breaks, its not a sustainable marketplace. Its much like the countries who offer Nike incentives to come build a factory there.
- Comment on ‘Captain America: Brave New World' bombs at test screening 4 months ago:
The problem is not enough people liked Falcon/Winter Soldier. Its the same thing when people say they liked Marvels or whatever, good for you that you enjoyed it, but nowhere near enough people did for the amount they spent on it and it lost huge sums. Disney simply cannot sustain huge bombs time after time and if they are going to spend this sort of money it has to be a success, which means making stuff that is actually popular.
I like the fact that they went with a black Captain America, the problem is casting. Mackie is clearly well connected as hes hardly lead a massive commercial success in his time, just the opposite. The problem that Marvel has is that they stuffed so many of the bigger name black actors into Black Panther, including a few who would have been a much better choice than Mackie, now they are reluctant to recast them in a different role. Sure they have done this a few times, but very rarely when its to face roles rather than one face role and one CGI or “blue face” role, or one film and one TV series on Netflix.
- Comment on ‘Captain America: Brave New World' bombs at test screening 4 months ago:
No, they got promoted to film directors with a large budget. Hopefully this bombs and they go back to making day time soaps.
- Comment on ‘Captain America: Brave New World' bombs at test screening 4 months ago:
Mackie has never struck me as charismatic enough of an actor to lead a franchise as big as Captain America, hes just so boring to watch, its like he isn’t even there.
Couple that with what seems to be another bland script from the goofs that brought us Falcon and the Winter Soldier and I am not surprised it sucks.
The problem is always that Disney is trying to cut costs on the directors, writers and actors by picking TV level people. Its pretty obvious this hasn’t worked so far and that they have had to press the panic button to get as many of the OGs back as possible.
- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
If it runs QMK I would port to vial over via any day of the week, cannot stand via. Granted I need to run the app when I want to adjust the key map (and only then), but it removes the need for WebHID or any similar problems. I have been able to replace my custom mapping and macros then compiling my own custom QMK firmware and uploading it to the keyboard workflow with live editing of the map and macros.
- Comment on Tesco loses UK legal battle over plans to ‘fire and rehire’ staff on lower pay 5 months ago:
They also argue that the business would go bust or move out of the country, both resulting in far wider job losses. I don’t doubt that a small minority of businesses might fit into this but a business the size of Tesco that made a couple of billion of profit last year and is heavily dependent on physical sales in the UK to achieve that.
Same argument is used against the likes of Amazon or Apple paying fair taxes or wages, they do about 30 billion and 1.5 billion of sales of mostly physical goods here respectively, that they would have to give up on, which is just not going to happen. Apple has about half the UK mobile market, like they would give that up.
- Comment on Next shop workers win equal pay claim - BBC News 5 months ago:
Would be interesting to see the arguments made, as I suspect the staffs’ council pushed that the number of men at the warehouse skewed the wages? Seems really off to me either way.
- Comment on Next shop workers win equal pay claim - BBC News 6 months ago:
It’s very similar to the asda equal pay case, which has already gone through the supreme court so the precedent has been set.
The Birmingham dinner lady case started all this off, which was a disgraceful cash grab. Their representation successfully equated that dinner ladies who work a few hours a day term time only had an equal job to bin men who work all hours (they do gritting as well) with refuge. It’s a large part of why the council went bust as it meant selling off revenue generating assets such as the nec.
The care worker equality case for Birmingham I agree with btw, that’s very similar conditions and hours.
“The Equal Pay Act requires that men and women in the same workplace receive equal pay for work that is substantially equal, even if the jobs are not identical. The job content, not the job title, determines if the jobs are substantially equal” - this is the problem right here, the legislation needs refining.
- Comment on Rachel Reeves paves way for cuts and tax rises to fill shortfall left by Tories 7 months ago:
I like the economist drawing the conclusion that its the same size hole as the national insurance cuts, almost like the Tories willfully set everything on fire on their way out of the door.
Massively dumb of Labour to commit to not raising general taxation when it was evident that the Tories likely hadn’t funded the national insurance cuts.
- Comment on It's painful to not be able to see everything at once. 7 months ago:
Sway on ubuntu, as it’s my work machine. I will switch eventually when I replace the PC with a new one
- Comment on It's painful to not be able to see everything at once. 7 months ago:
At least it’s not on arch 😞
- Comment on It's painful to not be able to see everything at once. 7 months ago:
I went from 3 to 2, as I went from 2x24@1080p + 1x34@1440p to 2x32@4k. I the jump to 4k with such large screens meant I have a massive more amount of usable screen real estate especially as I do not use any scaling on the screens, although I do marginally increase the font size. I can manage six windows per screen all neatly tiled as long as its not my IDE, that I need a good 2/3rd of the screen to actually be useful for me.
It would be unmanageable if I tried to do this without a proper tiling window manager though, I use Sway. I particularly like how the virtual desktops work on Sway as I have separate virtual desktops per screen, makes them actually useful for me. Typically I have two per screen, IDE/Terminal and Discord/Signal/Music, Multiple Browser windows and Email/Teams/Office.
- Comment on UK Retailer GAME To End All In-Store Video Game Sales 8 months ago:
Pretty sure he pays cash or close to it rather than a traditional leveraged buy out. He normally only buys struggling or collapsed brands he can get cheap like Wiggle.
- Comment on UK Retailer GAME To End All In-Store Video Game Sales 8 months ago:
Ashley wants two main things out of his purchases, the brand name to slap on a web store with any head start it can give into running a business in that sector, and the retail space. Any decent retail space he wants to flip into retail property while stripping any fixtures and fittings of any value, anything else will be gone or rebooted into the lowest common denominator for that area.
- Comment on The current state of auto insurance: shit that belongs on a shady Kickstarter from 2013 8 months ago:
UK you have the concept of black box car insurance that offered a substantial discount for having either a dedicated device installed into the car or an app on your phone that tracks a bunch of stats as you drive. It’s as shit as it sounds as it marks you down for every little infringement such as driving at peak times because that’s more dangerous. Get enough points and you can have your policy cancelled.
While you can uninstall the app good luck making a claim if you don’t have it installed with data for that journey. They’d also be pretty suss with no data over an extended period of a few months.
Worst part of these is that it’s expensive to switch to a non black box policy when you can afford to as you get older and more experienced.
- Comment on UK state pension age will soon need to rise to 71, say experts 1 year ago:
This wouldn’t be quite as bad if they didn’t keep pegging when you can take your private pension off the state pension retirement age, this would up it from 57 to 61 assuming they keep the same difference, but lock stepping private pensions with state pensions is a dick move designed to trap people working.
- Comment on Penny Mordaunt says Boris Johnson's Covid WhatsApp messages went missing 1 year ago:
It isn’t perfect by a long way but they are already licensed for Teams. Teams with the right settings can prevent named users such as MPs from deleting or editing any messages and messages are stored centrally. It can properly backup chats to a secure archive as well.
Obviously they can then get a tame techy with the right permissions to Teams and Purview to remove the messages but that’s going to apply to any system.
- Comment on UK net migration in 2022 revised up to record 745,000 1 year ago:
There are plenty who supported the Iraq war at the time who now pretend they did not. Its a bit old now but this survey was pretty enlightening at the time as it showed people not just changing their mind but also outright pretending they never supported it in the first place: independent.co.uk/…/surveys-reveal-how-we-remembe…
Brexit will be no different, it will still have a minority of true believers.