- Comment on Does TikTok really cause brain rot? New study from China links short video addiction to brain abnormalities 1 month ago:
I doubt it. Maybe there are differences, but there’s zero chance we have anything close to enough data that could draw correlations to negative effects. This is China, if not intentionally crafting data, then definitely broadcasting data that reinforces the cultural narrative they’ve already set. If the finding were to prove contrary to their brain rot position, I doubt they’d be broadcasting.
Just cuz a brain might work different doesn’t mean it’s bad. It took morning people, evening people, and nights watch people to keep us alive for the past millenni’i, why do morning people have a favored position in society? It’s bullshit and fucked up if you ask me. There’s medical evidence of sleep types, why can’t we use that to force a schedule change? Bring back night court, fuck.
I assume ADHD brains are different from neuroboring ones too, and as an ADHD brained individual I don’t consider it a disability, or a defect or detriment. I have traits I have learned to accommodate and traits I actively protect myself from, and they might not be neurotypical ons, the most common thousand or so nuerotypical problems, I dont have. And I think that life without endless curiosity with the ability to singularly deep dive any topic for essentially forever just wouldn’t be an existence worth living. I honestly feel I can do whatever it is I set myself too, regardless the complexity. I can’t imagine the world seen from despondent resignation.
Ive pondered more than once if I would be better off without the ADHD hyper sensitive sense of justice. I’ve said for years that I started this life off as lawful good and life’s caused me to slide all the way down to chaotic neutral.
- Comment on 20 Big Cats Die From Bird Flu at a Washington Sanctuary 2 months ago:
And the big America-pox itself, Syphilis
- Comment on 20 Big Cats Die From Bird Flu at a Washington Sanctuary 2 months ago:
On the flip side, every discord that allowed itself to be domesticated is now at its highest population levels in all of history. There are more cattle, drugs, cats, chickens, sheep, etc alive today than ever before.
Yes, there is disease that will jump species and that sucks but that’s just life, yo. Even with those that died from that, across all specific species in relation to man, every single species had and is still better off for the arrangement. The stories can be told in the sheer numbers alone.
- Comment on 20 Big Cats Die From Bird Flu at a Washington Sanctuary 2 months ago:
Dude I live 10 min away from this place. Those cats have room, they arent walled in to their shoulders. Sure everything would prefer to be running free in it’s own preferential Valhalla, but I’ve never heard a whine, moan or complaint from any of them cats. And ALL of them are vocal enough to let you know EXACTLY how they feel. The domesticated cat is actually rather quiet in comparison to most of its larger cousins.
And regardless, it’s a sanctuary. Every cat there is the result of someone getting an exotic pet they couldn’t handle, so the choice becomes
Cat goes to sanctuary or cat gets put down.
I understand your animosity towards the reality of it, but place it on the people who started the shit cycle, not those trying to lessen the suck.
- Comment on Donald Trump Team Plans to Cancel Biden's $7,500 Tax Incentive On EVs 3 months ago:
Yet they want a blanket ban, and once concentration camps are up and we’re officially beyond the pale…and anything not that same shade of pale finds itself in those camps…I don’t think people are gonna want to emigrate here or any of the five eyes.
Letting the bankers take the wheel in the 80s has cannibalized the health of all Western society and commodified whatever was left.
We were told to worship no one other than God/the source/the creator/the allfather/the universe/the truth/whatever you want to call it…but all I see is worship of another invisible diety, this invisible hand of the market - easily the most worshipped god in the modern day. Capitalism is incapable of bringing about salvation, unless you believe in accelerationism, and then everyone participating is gonna be found wanting.
- Comment on Donald Trump Team Plans to Cancel Biden's $7,500 Tax Incentive On EVs 3 months ago:
With an exception carved out for Tesla, I’m sure.
In the same vein, all the techbros who voted for Trump are gonna be real asshurt once immigration exemptions are made for tech workers
Like silicon valley is gonna be forced to pay market rate for American talent, pffh, c’mon now. Wages are like prices but the opposite. Prices always go up and never back down. Wages always come down and never go back up. Tech workers enshittification will commence at triple pace now
- Comment on Congratulations to Tom! 4 months ago:
The Dixie cups gave him strength
- Comment on Texas Sues for Access to Records of Women Seeking Out-of-State Abortions 5 months ago:
One can daydream…
After they announcd secession DC should immediate come out and say something like
“the North accepts upon condition that any and all who want to leave the south can freely do so, without hindrance, at the cost of the state, within the next 30days, and any and all from the north sympathetic are henceforth required to join the south in their ranks, within the next 30 days. If you choose to stay, continuing the campaigns of hate will find you deported to the other side, at the cost of total seizure of your estate. Citizenships will be repealed accordingly and people can apply for a visa if they want to visit. The national guard is working in conjunction with border patrol to secure our new borders. As I speak we have already shut down every freeway and highway, and work has already begun putting bollards in every smaller road. Barbed wire is already being set until completion of the new American DMZ. That’s right folks, we’re gonna build that wall. Anyone tries to get back in here we have to cross the minefields, robodogs, automatic sentries and Rebecca Flack music”
NASA and the military EVAC immediately.
The military laughed and told Texas to go fuck itself -immediately, completely unprovoked, like the secretary just couldn’t wait to live that mic and poke the hornets nest- once Roe was scuttled, that they’ll decide for themselves what rules they follow and what they consider medicine. The bases are federal land after all. If the generals happily spit in the face of their culture war nonsense, someone has got to be living in delulu to think any aspect of the military or government agencies would be left behind for the neo-confederates.
- Comment on Gotta keep that resume updated 5 months ago:
Has existential crisis Adds philosopher to resume
Binges new rabbit hole every night Adds polymath to resume
- Comment on Just Average 5 months ago:
That’s the standard issue. Helmet on soldier, you wanna live forever?
- Comment on Why Are So Many Americans Choosing to Not Have Children? It’s probably not selfishness, experts say. Even young adults who want children see an increasing number of obstacles. 6 months ago:
We all need to remove that these articles aren’t written for the working class. WE KNOW WHY and have been more than happy to tell anyone that would ask, but the upper class refuses to listen to anything we say, on principle - ala social darwinism bullshit.
The major rags and media pundits, everyone of them, are all geared to the person who reads Forbes to see if they were mentioned in it this time.
The news makes sooooo much more sense once this is realized. The scabs we call the 1% are a solid 10 years behind what everyone on the factory floor has known about for fucking ever.
- Comment on Antybooties 10 months ago:
Wasting budget and time? Grad students get paid?
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I’m flattered. Thank you.
I told my wife if we ever decided on kids (which we won’t) I want to name the kid after my hero. She asked “who’s that?”.
“Mega man”
“What if it’s a girl?”
“We can call her Meg”
"Middle name?”
“No middle name. MegaBlake, that’s it.”
I’m wearing a mega man belt she bought me right now actually.🤓
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Every single comment here is describing symptoms but not the cause.
Enshitification is the evolution to the final form, only possible after the company, thru merger/acquisition or stock manipulation (leveraged buy outs, acquiring controlling stake, shorting a company into insolvency, etc), has achieved a commanding monopoly.
Then it flexes it’s monopoly powers, the buttons fly off its shirt and the monster shows it’s true colors.
We have laws to prevent this. Lina Khan is the first FTC chair to start holding these companies to account. Meta, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon all need to be broken up into a thousand different companies, same as we did with AT&T.
What America truly needs is another Teddy Roosevelt. We need to revive the Progressive party with the Bull Moose as the symbol. Protect the environment, protect the family by protecting the workers, end legal loopholes and trustbust the 1% back down into the 10%.
And if we don’t? The path ahead is obvious, I for one, don’t want to live in Blade Runner, but that’s where we’re going until we stop fucking around and right ship.
- Comment on Military horses run loose in central London, injuring 4 people and causing havoc 10 months ago:
In a swanky neighborhood they say? Fsntastic. Word must’ve gotten thru to them and The horses have teamed up with the Orcas to eat the rich.
My suggestion; Don’t be left behind, people.
- Comment on banana slugs 10 months ago:
Those little fuckers will destroy yr garden if you let them.
You can leave beer out in a cooking pot and they’ll climb the walls then drown in it - but I don’t drink and don’t want to buy beer
Sooooo you can capture 4 or 5 of them, cut them in half and impale them on skewers and line your garden Vlad-like and that will, I shit you not, scare the rest from coming in.
Unfortunately, slug eggs are super fucking tiny and are just left random-where in the soil, so there’s nothing short of nuking the ground that we can do to get rid of them…so the staking continues.
- Comment on UK workers ‘should get day off’ if workplace is hotter than 30C 1 year ago:
Right? Every restaurant in the country would be closed immediately and indefinitely.
Not that that’s a terrible thing or anything
- Comment on This is America 1 year ago:
In Spanish, plurality in abbreviations is denoted by doubling up the letters; so (United States) Estados Unidos -> EEUU
- Comment on This is America 1 year ago:
Wait til they got told Mexico is in America, they’re gonna lose their shit.
Like the USA owns the continent, pffh.
But wait there’s more! Mexicos official name is the United States of Mexico, or Estados Unidos de México in Spanglish.
And also in Spanish, I think
- Comment on Do you exerience back spasms pain so intense it makes you black out? 1 year ago:
My dad has four slippers discs in his lower back. Got them from a work injury when he was 25. I was 4 then.
I never knew my dad not in pain. He tried surgery, twice. But neither took. That being said, the University of Washington has made huge strides in that exact kind of care. I would direct my father there if he were still around today, but since I can’t, maybe Udub can help you.