- Comment on Eurogamer: we can't recommend the PC version of Monster Hunter Wilds 3 days ago:
And that’s why I don’t preorder games anymore. I’m sure they will fix it, eventually, but it sucks for people who want to play it this weekend.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
yeah… we’re going to need you to come in on Saturday this week Algo. Somebody has to redo the phone rack this weekend and we took a vote on it and decided you are the only one who can handle it. Good luck ;)
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Nah GTFO of here with that. I’ll follow my bosses lead, and wink. Context is everything of course, but if your workplace is so toxic that a winking emoticon sets off drama then I really feel sorry for you.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Emoji = picture Emoticon= text
In my experience the only ones that don’t look weird in a work email are:
:) :( ;)
Anything else is going to be seen as weird and superfluous. ^u^ :3 would be a hard no for myself, and I know it would get me weird attention that I wouldn’t want.
This very much depends on your industry, workplace, and coworkers.
- Comment on They just don't understand 1 month ago:
Either your cables are made with the absolute worst insulation I have ever heard of, or your environment is doing something to the cable. I have done networking in 200 year old building with CAT3 from the 1990s that still works today. I installed a CAT6 cable in my parents house in 2003 that still works.
If I ever had a cable in a wall just go bad I would put that cable vendor on the blacklist immediately. Is it possible that the cables are being damaged during installation?
I agree that wifi is a great fallback option, but what happens when the cable running to the AP deteriorates?
- Comment on They just don't understand 1 month ago:
Many people find Ethernet confusing.
CAT6 and CAT5e are very similar, but standard CAT5 can not do above 100mbps duplex. 5e can, but isn’t tested for 1000mbps duplex, whereas CAT6 is designed specifically for that speed. CAT6 doesn’t actually need to have shielding to be CAT6 but in the early days it was a common way to meet the standards. The biggest difference is actually the connectors. You need CAT6 RJ45 to make a CAT6 cable. 5e cable with a 6 connector works better than CAT6 cable with a CAT5 RJ45 in my own testing. CAT5 connectors have pins that all line up straight across, CAT6 has staggered pins. This staggering helps prevent crosstalk between the wires.CAT8 is the current newest standard, and I am not brushed up on the standards specs yet. CAT7 was never made official, manufacturers made it ahead of time and it might be a little better than 6 but it almost never meets 8 standards, and is about the same price.
- Comment on They just don't understand 1 month ago:
As somebody who does networking for a jerb, you are getting ripped off if you are paying $20 USD for a CAT6 wall plate. What you want to get is punch down keystones and a keystone wall plate, at least half the price. Maybe that’s what they cost at the hardware store though, I haven’t ever had to buy one from there. I order all mine.
- Comment on I don't think they understand. We're interviewing them too. 1 month ago:
This is important IMO. This is not the applicant’s wording. This is how the HR drone perceived these questions, not direct quotes. We actually have no idea what the applicant asked, but we do know that this person is a clown.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
Boars Head had federally mandated inspections as well.
- Comment on Insect Facts 3 months ago:
Humans need to step our game up. Our penises could be so much louder.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Nintendo DS 5 months ago:
My hands are pretty medium sized, and I think it’s the most comfortable portable device I have ever had in my hands. It is however a bit heavy. It’s also not a pocket device like the Gameboy was, although most DS are not very pocketable either.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Nintendo DS 5 months ago:
I also think that the marketing failed hard. I don’t remember seeing any ads for the game, and the marketing in Japan made it seem like a bait and switch for Mother 3. It also released pretty close to the Japanese mother 3 release as well.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Nintendo DS 5 months ago:
I was going to mention Contact being a unique game, glad I’m not the only one who remembers it fondly. The reviews upon release where not great but I thought it was a pretty good game.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Nintendo DS 5 months ago:
This is what I came here for. Can’t forget about the chubby one.
- Comment on Anon uses a phone book 5 months ago:…/google-maps-goes-native-on-symb…
This is one of the only things I can find talking about it, but I’m sure I used Google maps with GPS on SymbianOS.
- Comment on Anon uses a phone book 5 months ago:
I had Google maps on my Nokia SymbianOS phone before the iPhone was released. It worked just as well as modern version but was I little clunkier to use without a touchscreen. I’m pretty sure that Palm Treos had it as well. There where also some other options, I kinda remember Garmin selling map packs for Palm devices. Smartphones existed before android and iPhone, even if they weren’t as widespread they were catching on with the broader consumer before the iPhone was released. You saw more more people getting blackberries for personal use instead of just business.
- Comment on I'm the developer of WalkScape, the RuneScape inspired fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL. We're now accepting more people to the Closed Beta! 5 months ago:
I agree with everything you said, only that I’m not quite sure what DMA is.
I want more indie games on my phone because the major mobile app developers are beyond trash at this point. I love indie devs, I love FOSS and indie games. I prefer programming that lends itself to democratizing the web and my devices.
Your game is a breath of freedom right now in the mobile marketplace. I made it in on the free invite system, but the fact that you are on the fediverse talking to me, coupled with the fact that your game and end goal seam awesome, I’m going to figure out how to become a donating member as soon as I get home.
I’m out on a night walk right now with my walkscape app open, while typing this reply. Amazing times.
- Comment on I'm the developer of WalkScape, the RuneScape inspired fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL. We're now accepting more people to the Closed Beta! 5 months ago:
I signed up after seeing your last post. I made it into the last wave of invites and have been playing since last week. This game is really cool and I don’t think there is anything else like it.
- Comment on . . . 6 months ago:
I love the crust. But sometimes I don’t need the extra carbs.
- Comment on My dad fought the Nazi's they lost. The world knows it. What is the deal with their recent resurgence? 6 months ago:
Now that’s an idea. I’d join that patreon.
- Comment on My dad fought the Nazi's they lost. The world knows it. What is the deal with their recent resurgence? 6 months ago:
I’m honestly not sure. You could try doxing the lower ranks, they need jobs and employers don’t usually love Nazis.
- Comment on My dad fought the Nazi's they lost. The world knows it. What is the deal with their recent resurgence? 6 months ago:
Get a photo of his ugly mug. Get an old, cheap laser printer. I recommend a Kyocera fs-3900 or something similar because the toner can be found cheap. Print out rumors, gossip, lies. Post them all over the neighborhood. Let the community know he is a Nazi (if that will help)
- Comment on My dad fought the Nazi's they lost. The world knows it. What is the deal with their recent resurgence? 6 months ago:
The Nazi party fled to many corners of the globe. Fascism exists outside of the Nazi party. Between those two things, fascism never really died. The Nazi party was shut down, made illegal in much of Europe. The other fascists welcomed those that made it out. Most modern day fascists that use Nazi imagery are called neo-nazis. Not the same group from WW2. Neo-nazis have been around for decades. Until recently they were not nearly as organized.
- Comment on fish 7 months ago:
Why does the catfish have tits?
- Comment on Microsoft Chose Profit Over Security and Left U.S. Government Vulnerable to Russian Hack, Whistleblower Says 8 months ago:
If anyone believes anything Nadella says they are already drunk on the Kool aid
- Comment on ridiculously easy to imagine lol 8 months ago:
Holy shit, two days from now there is a lecture!
- Comment on Legolasilisk! 9 months ago:
This is super dumb. I love it.
- Comment on British tech firm Raspberry Pi lines up £500m float 9 months ago:
Oh, so this is why they put the hobbyists last in line when the ‘shortage’ happened. They prioritize companies to look better to the stock market. For some reason I thought they were non-profit but I guess if that was ever true it’s not now. I have to imagine this won’t be good for the average pi enjoyer.
- Comment on Pure poetry 9 months ago:
Ok, but for real is it any good? I bought some cheap stuff for my hiking first aid kit and it doesn’t stick worth a damn.
- Comment on The best thing to show 10 months ago:
Marriage material TBH