- Comment on Adolf Titler 1 month ago:
Nice tits, bro!
- Comment on Fuck geometry 3 months ago:
But that’s not the definition of the absolut value, I.e. “distance” in complex numbers. That would be sqrt((1+i)(1-i)) = sqrt(2) Also the triangle inequality is also defined in complex numbers. This meme is advanced 4-4*2=0 Works only if you’re doing it wrong.
- Comment on Cords 6 months ago:
Well, maybe it’s because you may die if you accidentally touched touched the prongs? The purpose of female plugs is among other reasons to prevent accidentally touching them.
- Comment on American wanting to move abroad, what's the best bet for an registered nurse? 9 months ago:
I don’t want to botch your plans but you gotta keep in mind that the educational systems in the EU and US are very different. Being a RN might not mean a lot abroad. I Germany there is however a lack of nurses and programs to recruit internationally. Maybe the situation is similar in other EU countries.
Where ever you are planing to go: Compare salaries cost of living, and what is publicly funded and what not. I think many people are turned off from moving because salaries are lower…
- Comment on acceptable screws 11 months ago:
Probably the best shitpost I’ve seen in a while.