- Comment on Fuck animal breeders that keep breeding damaged animals into a life where they will only know pain and torment. 2 weeks ago:
All the ancient Chinese breeds are the closest related to Wolf. Lhasa Apso, Maltesw,Tibetan Terrier, and Pekingese. Then you get into Nordic breeds like huskys
- Comment on Fuck animal breeders that keep breeding damaged animals into a life where they will only know pain and torment. 2 weeks ago:
This is just straight up false. The oldest dog breed and the one most generically related to the wolf is the fucking shih tzu. Humans have been breeding dogs for every purpose we could need since before recorded history.
- Comment on Your favorite bit of lore or world building? 3 weeks ago:
I agree. My main is a sylvari ranger. I was initially drawn to them. I hope anet explores the dream and the nightmare a bit now before the end of the game.
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to | 6 comments
- Submitted 4 weeks ago to | 4 comments
- Comment on [META] Never change, 1 year ago:
I completely understand where you are coming from, but you got to realize that that concept of communism has been warped by western propaganda and selective education.
People hungry for power will use what ever ideology appeals to the people to gain power. Look at Donald Trump. He was historically a Democrat from New York uninterested in politics. He ran as a Democrat the first time but made no headlines. He switched parties and started talking pro-christian rhetoric. He is very obvious no Christian.
You see it with “Protect the children” anti-abortion groups. Who have no interest in actually protecting children. Groups that target trans people with the same stance have no interest in actually protecting children. Groups who are say they want to stamp out pedophilia use it to target privacy laws.
And you have groups like Nazis and Lenist who used socialism and communism as a means to an end. Those groups used those movements to consolidate power and wealth to the 1%, and used violence against others as a way to ensure their continued control, they were neither communist or socialist in practice, only in their speech.
- Comment on Microplastic overdose 1 year ago:
Are you okay?