- Comment on Is Civilization 7 not fun? 3 weeks ago:
Did you read the reviews? Most are absolutely thrashing the UI which is critical for a game like this. Probably best to steer clear for now. You could try a previous civ game though, or endless legend maybe?
- Comment on Destiny 2 Players Struggle To Find Fireteams As Population Drops To All-Time Low 2 months ago:
In addition to other comments here, I also stopped playing because I moved to Linux and not gonna keep a windows partition alive just to play D2.
- Comment on Diablo 1 and 2 devs secure $4.5 million for a new ARPG: 'We're going back to what made those early Diablo games feel so awesome but taking them in some cool, fresh directions' 2 months ago:
In the meantime, highly encourage folks to checkout grim dawn. Still gets updates even though it released years ago. Game worthy of buying to support these types of devs.
- Comment on How to [3D] print your Guild Wars 2 character (or any game, really) 2 months ago:
This is cool, thanks for sharing
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard PC requirements revealed, no third-party DRM on PC 4 months ago:
You know, this game may be good or bad, and I’ll wait to see, but no DRM makes it much more likely I’d bite on it.
- Comment on What's your favorite controller? 5 months ago:
How big is this controller? I have wide palms but shortish fingers. From palm to tip of middle fingers like 7.5”, which is low side of male hands, but 4” wide palm which is above average. Makes finding ergonomic controllers difficult. I can reach the middle of controllers without too much difficulty, but reaching lengthwise (eg the shoulder buttons) can be problematic (perhaps why I like the ps4 controller — it’s wide but squat; it just lacks usability with no back buttons, and it only pairs to a single device at a time). I guess a smaller Xbox style controller would work okay for me — is Wolverine worth a try you think?
- Comment on How to decide what kind of controller one should purchase? 5 months ago:
I’m personally looking for a Hall effect joystick, ps5 style layout, wireless capable, plays nice with Linux game controller. Seems like I’ve seen flydigi as a potential option, and maybe some 8bitdo ones. Maybe scuf?
One major issue I’ve had is my ps4 controller doesn’t have multipoint, meaning it will only Bluetooth pair to a single device at a time. Wanna use it on your phone? Gotta pair it. Wanna use it again on your pc — yep, gotta pair it again. Reaaaaallly annoying.
- Comment on Recognize the mother of Wifi 10 months ago:
Wikipedia link for Easton (and Parkinson) credit for GPS:…/Global_Positioning_System#:~….
Ee times article referencing FHSS and Nikola Tesla:
- Comment on Has any of you ever tried the "Ragnok 2 gun mouse"? If so, how good is it? 1 year ago:
Eh, I’d personally just get a more ergonomic vertical mouse, wired if you need the absolute lowest latency. Much easier to come by and they’re cheap. I used an evoluent I think it was wireless mouse for DotA2 when I played it ranked years ago, and I found it more than capable to climb the ranks with it. I also have a Logitech gaming mouse, for comparison.
Some vertical mice can easily be found on Amazon or anywhere really. Logitech makes one (it’s okay) and a few others as well.
Conversely, if just looking for more ergonomics, you could try a hyperlight mouse with a good gliding wrist wrest.