- Comment on Thinkpad for the win 2 weeks ago:
Does it have AI capabilities?
- Comment on $1K a month is a good deal 3 months ago:
It’s also tricky to compare, lots of caveats everywhere.
- Comment on $1K a month is a good deal 3 months ago:
Checking in France thanks to the official simulation engine:…/salaire-brut-net For a 60K€ gross yearly salary, 9 618 € will go towards health insurance (801€ per month).
In the end the cost is not that far from the US, but the benefits are much much higher.
- Comment on Price of electricity in Finland peaks at 2.35€/kWh today. Keeping my tiny granny cottage warm costs me over 50 euros for a single day. It's negative 25C (77F) outside. 1 year ago:
I was talking about the old-fashion one. It’s really common across France even though modern housing have heat pumps. Oil furnaces have almost completely disappeared and the gas one are in the process of being replaced as well. Electricity is cheaper here than in most countries (thanks to nuclear power plants).
- Comment on Price of electricity in Finland peaks at 2.35€/kWh today. Keeping my tiny granny cottage warm costs me over 50 euros for a single day. It's negative 25C (77F) outside. 1 year ago:
Pretty common here in France and it’s cheap enough. Why would you think it would be expensive? And expensive compared to what?
- Comment on You didn't bought it you rented it! 1 year ago:
I’ve moved to Brother from HP. Disappointed by the support for Linux. While the driver exists, a lot of them aren’t packaged. HP does a better job at that.