- Comment on Germany right now 5 days ago:
to be fair, this is the image the center parties have and upkeep. I, as a farly left person, already question if this seperation to right extremism will still be upheld in 4 years. Our Center-right partie CDU falls more and more for populist rethoric, which reminds me of the republicans or the toris.
So what you have been told is not wrong per se. But there is a significant amount of people in the country and politicans in the parlaiment, that argue the seperation between right exremism and center parties did already collaps behind the scenes.
- Comment on What makes a video game triple A (AAA)? 2 months ago:
AAA movies were called that by haveing A-class actors A-class musicans and A-class production company. this correlates to nothing in Videogames. Its mostly a marketing term. I agree with most that initial budget plays the biggest role.
- Comment on Hurry 2 months ago:
- Comment on Five flavors 🤤 4 months ago:
i think the reson behind that has little to do with the music. idk how it is now but a few years ago the band had baddd infighting and made it all public. i am talking up to the level of dissolving the band on stage, just to continue for the revenue the next day. I assume many of the ffdp haters were fans of the music back then, but got dissapointed by the musicans to the point they couldnt enjoy it anymore.
Remember if someone hates a thing, its likely they still care about it.
- Comment on Seattle is like "come to downtown please" 4 months ago:
are you sure that is grounded in reality rather than emotions? I dont call you a liar since i have zero knowledge how it works in usa. i just had the same feeling that speed cameras are a cash grab. but then i saw the process how a speed camera is decided upon. and in my cuntry they literally only stand ar places with a higher crash density. these areas also have slower speed limits which can feel annoying. but it is stastlcally proven that injuris and crashed were significantly reduced. see this process and understanding it chenged my views on that entirely.
- Comment on Starfield's first DLC is one of the worst Bethesda and DLCs of all time 4 months ago:
as a hige indi/small developer fan i see great times ahad. AAA will fail, clmpanys will close and developers will find new homes in smaller teams. by 2030 i predict a golden age for AA and and perhabs also a new golden age for indi.