- Comment on What will Royal Mail’s takeover mean for customers and postal workers? 9 months ago:
No more customers getting blamed for ‘fake’ stamps, hopefully
- Comment on Soup 10 months ago:
That’s assuming the freezing process hasn’t irreparably damaged the brain structure, which I don’t think anybody can confidently assert at the moment.
- Comment on we must go back and fix this 10 months ago:
Apparently you took OP too seriously
- Comment on we must go back and fix this 10 months ago:
Hitler. As usual, he’s to blame
- Comment on Anon gets upvotes on reddit 10 months ago:
On the contrary, when war lasts a long time you only have trained soldiers left
- Comment on sweet dreams 10 months ago:
Vat-grown meat will probably offer you that opportunity soon!
- Comment on Has ethernet become illegitimate? A librarian flipped out after spotting me using ethernet 10 months ago:
That pretty much depends on where in the world you are, FYI. Librarian == professional fucking researcher is not a thing in Asia.
- Comment on Has ethernet become illegitimate? A librarian flipped out after spotting me using ethernet 10 months ago:
We could discuss all sorts of hypotheticals, including where there’s a secret supervillain base under the library and they’re about to assassinate OP for jacking into their network. It’s pointless because we’re not discussing an event we have any way of obtaining any other information about other than what OP has provided.
- Comment on Has ethernet become illegitimate? A librarian flipped out after spotting me using ethernet 10 months ago:
Do you trust every one-sided story to be entirely accurate of all details?
No, but for the sake of discussion in this thread, that is the scenario we’re all going by. We’re not rendering a legal judgement here, we’re discussing the situation as described.
In a public library, I would fully expect public-facing ethernet ports, especially in sitting / working areas, to be available for public use. I’m not sure why they would be there otherwise. And if they’re no longer meant for public use, it would be on the library IT staff to have disabled those ports.
what does trust have to do with it?
Because I don’t trust non-IT-savvy people to even properly understand the question
- Comment on Has ethernet become illegitimate? A librarian flipped out after spotting me using ethernet 10 months ago:
“Do you have ethernet or wired internet?” is actually a common library question and the response from whoever works the front desk will likely tell you everything you need to know.
Would you trust the reply somebody like the librarian in the OP gave you? Seems like the sort of person who would refuse to admit to any lack of knowledge and just bluster.
- Comment on Has ethernet become illegitimate? A librarian flipped out after spotting me using ethernet 10 months ago:
Sounds like a her problem.
- Comment on sweet dreams 10 months ago:
Fair point, I suppose that depends on the definition of veganism you prefer. Usually a moot point since you can’t meaningfully apply it to anybody but humans.
- Comment on sweet dreams 10 months ago:
Well, humans are technically animals, so no.
- Comment on sweet dreams 10 months ago:
Yeah but with a refractory period like that, who cares?
- Comment on sweet dreams 10 months ago:
Ok, I have to know, WTF is that? Context?
- Comment on sweet dreams 10 months ago:
Vegan bukkake
- Comment on BOOTY 10 months ago:
- Comment on Come on, science! 10 months ago:
Just wait till it pukes up a lightsaber at you
- Comment on Woaaaaa 10 months ago:
Oil rigs and mines aren’t exactly living off the land. Dropping enough preserved food off to supply a facility wouldn’t be too difficult. The main reason nobody’s doing it is the international treaties involved
- Comment on Almost all Chinese keyboards have severe security flaws that can be (mis)used for mass surveillance, report reveals 10 months ago:
Hope she’s doing well, shame what the CCP did to her
- Comment on Steam says those hours you time criminals put in during advanced access now count toward the refund allowance 10 months ago:
RPS has been shit for a while now. I’m on the verge of just blocking their URL from my feed
- Comment on Cities Skylines 2: "Beach properties assets are all gone and my city is screwed. Thanks a lot." 10 months ago:
Not sure whether you got it on sale, or how many DLC you actually got, but it currently costs $380 for the complete package.
- Comment on Cities Skylines 2: "Beach properties assets are all gone and my city is screwed. Thanks a lot." 10 months ago:
300 USD… a ‘little’ pricey
- Comment on we have a problem 10 months ago:
The bacterial mix would probably be very different, but I don’t see why the anaerobic critters couldn’t finish the job.
- Comment on Can I lick it? 10 months ago:
Depending on the quantity and the leidenfrost effect, you might be fine
- Comment on we have a problem 10 months ago:
Assuming they were wearing a space suit, probably nothing very different from ordinary decomposition except the lack of insects
- Comment on is there a legal way to consume alcohol bought at a store, outside of a home, hotel room, etc.? 10 months ago:
Eh, it’s pretty common in a lot of other countries as well. Those with significant Muslim populations, and even countries like Norway.
- Comment on No Rest For The Wicked's first hotfix addresses durability and repair cost complaints 10 months ago:
What’s happening to RPS? I’ve been seeing more and more articles from them about games the writer has never played, with no useful information. Like this one, basically copy and paste of the patch notes and a summary of steam reviews. Used to like them for in depth game reviews, guess that’s going the way of the dodo.
- Comment on #justposeidonthings 10 months ago:
No, just brain damaged from oxygen deprivation
- Comment on Royal Mail insists it will keep fining innocent victims of counterfeit stamps 10 months ago:
Ah, my bad. And yet they managed to be equally shit.