- Comment on I just watched the wrong version of Drive (2011), and didn't realize until the last 10 minutes. Any similar stories? 3 months ago:
I had something similar with a download of Eraserhead. The audio was corrupted, the best way I could describe it is running water with a ton of reverb slightly chopped. I thought it was an interesting choice. 30 minutes in, I realized it was a bad copy when someone finally spoke.
- Comment on When will the embargo end? 5 months ago:
Literally 1984
- Comment on ruzzia is the only country unaware of the gun problem in the US 5 months ago:
“We are now confirming once again that playing with fire—and they are like small children playing with matches—is a very dangerous thing for grown-up uncles and aunts who are entrusted with nuclear weapons in one or another Western country.”
So countries with nuclear capabilities should be more responsible and perhaps not invade their neighboring countries? 🤔
- Comment on Anon tries to be ethical 6 months ago:
The scale is subjectively relative though. Maybe anon feels that because they eat meat, don’t recycle, don’t tip well, etc, that he is acting unethically. By that scale, he’s probably significantly much more ethical than someone without that awareness.
- Comment on Anon is out of ideas 1 year ago:
I don’t think Anon will have to worry about that one…
- Comment on FYI: Ed Sheeran is a scab. 1 year ago:
What’s a mall?