- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 weeks ago:
Most pollution comes from shipping, agriculture, and other large industries. Poor countries/people cannot contribute because they are barely getting by as is. Even if the entire middle class in wealthy countries magically switched to electric/public/bicycling, started recycling, stopped watering grass, etc. it would make no noticeable difference.
The idea that social changes at individual level can help with pollution comes directly from propaganda pushed by cunts who are actually killing our planet for profit. Fuck them. Don’t spread their lies.
- Comment on Fires Incinerated the Facade of California Governing Competence 2 months ago:
Your comment is too well articulated to assume you’re really naive enough to believe that’s a valid comparison. CA is a state in a massive country. What state handled homelessness better? What state has a bullet train?
I agree that CA/LA is poorly managed at many levels, but your arguments are nonsense and it has nothing to do with CA being democratic.
- Comment on if the total fertility rate drops and stays below global replacement rate, will humans disappear? 8 months ago:
What if selection is truly random?
- Comment on Why don't electric car manufacurers put solar panels on the car roofs? 9 months ago:
Right. Unless you live in US and have relatives you regularly visit in a different city in the same state only 400km away.
I mean I still don’t care about solar panels on my roof and I’m much happier with a moon roof on my PHEV. Nearly 80km of electric range means I’m driving an electric car 99% of the time and have convenience of 5 minute fill ups when I go further.
- Comment on SPLORP! 9 months ago:
You do realize you can just mute whatever device you’re watching this on?
- Comment on ‘Furiosa,’ ‘Garfield’ lead slowest Memorial Day box office in decades 9 months ago:
I wish movie theaters aggressively enforced the stfu culture, but the bankrupt Arclight is the only theater I’ve been in where a disruptive person was actually told to get the fuck out.
- Comment on Discord Shuts Down Servers for Switch Emulators Suyu & Sudachi; Disables Lead Developers Account As Well 11 months ago:
How is IRC decentralized?
- Comment on unsure why we are surprised lol 11 months ago:
Most non-bots are from United States and know nothing about eastern narrative other than what russian and Chinese bots are feeding them.
- Comment on MFA 11 months ago:
Pretty sure he’s talking about mfa that just asks for confirmation whether that’s you logging in on the phone. No typing required.
- Comment on Handy temperature conversion scale. 11 months ago:
What’s so special about 0 - 100? 40° of civilized units sucks, but is still perfectly survivable and is becoming more and more common in some parts of the world. That’s 104° of fucked up units.
Negatives up to -30° are also common around the world and I frequently went out in shorts and t-shirt in -10° for a short time to grab mail or take out trash.
The only sort of reasonable justification for F units I’ve ever heard was that there’s less of a change between whole degrees, but decimals are not exactly hard to figure out imnho.
- Comment on Steam keeps on winning 1 year ago:
Works like a charm.
- Comment on Strikes against automakers spread to 38 locations in 20 states, Stellantis and GM are targeted 1 year ago:
There’s ~3% built into msrp for the dealer. Then there are kick backs from banks they are pushing you to finance through. Then there are extras that are basically 100% profit. Then there are dealer installed options. How much can they possibly be expected to make for providing parking space? Dealers are absolutely fucking useless outside of test drives. Every cent over msrp is basically theft.
Who takes a used car to dealer for service? Are you saying they make more money on used cars because they can price gouge more effectively?
- Comment on Roxann Dawson (B’Elanna) passed on directing new Star Trek but has returned to science fiction with Foundation 1 year ago:
I’m actually a little jealous. That must be an awesome life :-)
- Comment on Roxann Dawson (B’Elanna) passed on directing new Star Trek but has returned to science fiction with Foundation 1 year ago:
Second season is so boring I barely got through first two episodes over a week because I kept falling asleep watching them. I really hope it picks up in E3.
- Comment on Would you work for a corporation that you oppose ideologically, if the pay is good? 1 year ago:
Technically they sell ads that rely on user data they collected. I was just trying to say they are uniquely evil in that their entire business model revolves around user data while claiming they are a search company or OS company or email company whatever project they will start and kill next.
Most POS companies like LexisNexis are very open about their business model being people’s personal info.
- Comment on Would you work for a corporation that you oppose ideologically, if the pay is good? 1 year ago:
Name a successful tech business that doesn’t sell user data. Some companies, like Google, just make it their only business model.
- Comment on Would you work for a corporation that you oppose ideologically, if the pay is good? 1 year ago:
Definitely. I’m a whore.
As long as it isn’t something obviously evil like religion.