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- Comment on Is there any point for current US-based "skilled immigrants" to stay in the US? 3 months ago:
Go back even further, we’re all immigrants from the ocean
- Comment on Keep honking! 7 months ago:
Wellll… it clearly says they’re a goose, so you could give them some slack.
- Comment on Corvids 10 months ago:
An infromative biologist redditor named unidan made the comment above. The majority of reddit loved him. Whenever he posted a comment, reddit would literally get on their knees to jerk and suck him off with upvotes. That and the usual tone of his comments made me dislike him. He had a hissy fit with another redditor over a crows/jackdaws. He revealed that he made alts to downvote other redditors and upvote himself, even if the other redditor was correct. His downfall was very satisfying lol
- Comment on New cars are great... 1 year ago:
There was some discussion on a post about gas to electric cars