- Comment on Mastodon’s founder cedes control to non-profit 5 days ago:
Exactly. This is the good thing about federation. If you don’t like the community you’re in, move to another one that better aligns to your values. No one’s speech is “limited”, but other instances aren’t forced to listen to you unless they want to.
- Comment on if you've had or have anger issues, how did you become a better human? 6 days ago:
Anti-anxiety meds.
Anxiety isn’t the cause of all people’s short fuse, but it was for me.
And to be clear, I wasn’t really “anger” issues as in “blowing up at other people”. You don’t work retail long before you learn how to put on a happy face. It was more “anger issues” that I would just seethe to myself at all the stupidity around me, completely unable to let even the littlest shit go.
Driving was the worst. I was an asshole as a driver. My entire time travelling to work would often be filled with a constant litany of yelling and swearing to myself, knowing full well that the other person can’t hear me.
- Comment on Would you do Onlyfans if needed the money? 1 week ago:
There’s a kink for everything. It may not be a large base, but I’ll bet it’s there.
- Comment on If God is all powerful and created human. How come God in endowed with human emotions? Shouldn't he or she be beyond that? 3 weeks ago:
Because humans create their gods in their own image. Not the other way around. Your god becomes a reflection of what you already tend to believe because it exists solely as a justification for believing it.
If you’re part of a society that believes that all outsiders are bad. You’re going to invent your god that proclaims outsiders to be bad. If you’re part of a group that has no sense of monogamy, you’re going to create a god that proclaims “polygamy is good”!
Gods are the invented paragons of whatever society created them.
- Comment on Are there people without handedness? 3 weeks ago:
Soooo…clutz, basically.
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 1 month ago:
Glad I could help.
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 1 month ago:
Based on the average age of Lemmy, I’ll go out on a limb and say I’m probably older than you.
What you call “informed positions” is simply giving up on seeing the reality over the propaganda. Your cynicism doesn’t allow you to separate the theory of capitalism from the reality of capitalism. You’re essentially no different than those people who say that anything except the current situation is essentially “socialism”, which by definition must be bad. But just because corporations have taken over capitalism, doesn’t mean there isn’t a fight to be had to try to change that.
I’m very close to 50 years old. I’ve got plenty of my own life experience that I don’t need any of yours thanks. If you want to give up, go right ahead. Some of us believe is a system where capitalism is contained by strong government regulations and social safety nets. Why do we believe this, because there’s plenty of European countries that already do this. Just because North America is completely bought out by corporations doesn’t mean that’s just what capitalism is.
Go be a sad sack defeatist on your own time.
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 1 month ago:
Capitalism is inherently parasitic
I fundamentally disagree with that.
Venture Capitalism is parasitic. But Capitalism itself is not at all. At it’s heart, if we continue with the landlord analogy, let’s say that you are renting a house from the OP’s Aunt. She’s paying the building insurance. She’s paying the maintenance, (or in some good old fashioned cases doing it themselves). She’s dealing with the paperwork involved in owning a home. Hell, in some cases you don’t even have to mow your own lawn. So of course she’s charging you rent. It’s not a charity.
But if she’s a private owner, than your rent stays with her. She uses what she needs to maintain the building and…yes…makes a profit that then gets spent in the local economy.
The only time there’s an issue is when your rent is being sent to a corporation that may not even be in the same country as you, and that money leaves your local economy for good.
To use an anecdotal example, I’ve worked in my time for two different furniture stores in my town. One was a chain, and one was/is a family run operation from the beginning. And yes…that family is wildly successful; I’m not guessing millionaires, but close to it. And I don’t begrudge them at all for that. Because it’s family owned, they aren’t forced to only care about a stock price or about profit. My boss would randomly come up to me, sometimes multiple times a year, clap me on the back and say “You’re doing a good job, I’m going to add a buck an hour to your wage.”
Because they can. Because for all intents and purposes, you’ve got a better chance to be treated like a human being when a corporation isn’t in the way.
The chain furniture store would only give out raises when forced to by government mandated cost of living increases, because anything more would cause the stock price to go down.
The heart of capitalism is my first example. The reality of capitalism is my second unfortunately. But that’s not the fault of capitalism itself, it’s the lack of government oversight protecting us from predatory corporations.
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 1 month ago:
I of course can’t speak for anyone except myself, but for me, what your aunt is doing is what essentially capitalism is all about.
Its when those landlords get replaced by venture capital corporations and reits that it becomes a problem.
In your aunts case, the rent money stays local, contributes back to the local economy, etc…
In the case of venture capital and corporate ownership, the only goal is to increase a stock price for a corporation. None of that money gets returned to the local economy except for possibly hiring a local property management firm to handle things on the ground for them.
When capitalism remains about people, all of good. When corporations take the reins of ownership so their profit becomes the sole motive is when things go bad.
- Comment on If the US dissolves for whatever reason and goes into a state of anarchy what would happen to the rest of the world? 1 month ago:
Economic chaos for a little while, and then everyone would just go on with their lives. Economically it would matter of course; America became the richest power after the first world war when all of Europe needed loans to fight their “great war”, causing the greatest transfer of wealth the world had ever seen.
But culturally, I’m betting the number of people who would give a shit if the United States stopped bossing everybody around is far less than they think it is.
The american sense of importance is strongest mostly in their own heads.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 1 month ago:
This is exactly the right answer.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 1 month ago:
I think it’s a complicated question. I say yes, but with caveats.
He needs to be prosecuted in order to keep the letter of the law running. You can’t just say “you can’t kill anyone unless the rest of us don’t like him.” Laws should be about absolutism.
However the sentencing does not have to be absolute. Find him guilty (because technically he is). Then give him a suspended sentence because of extenuating circumstances.
- Comment on You don't need to answer this 1 month ago:
Funny? No.
A good start? You betcha.
- Submitted 1 month ago to [deleted] | 121 comments
- Comment on What games have you put the most hours into? 1 month ago:
- XCom - Enemy within (with Long War mod)
- Kerbal Space Program
- Crusader Kings 2
- Rimworld
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 1 month ago:
Just to be the nihilist in the room, I honestly think that the point of no return for humanity occurred the moment we stepped down from the trees and started to evolve. And I’m not actually kidding.
I’m not an evolutionary expert, so I’m more than likely talking out of my ass, but I was an Archaeology Major with a focus on the Bronze Age Collapse and what I can tell you is this…
From a certain perspective, the same evolutionary traits that brought our species to this point, are the very same traits that will keep us from moving forward past it. Selfishness, resource hording, greed, the urge to continually expand at the expense of others. Fear of “others” outside of ones own community; all these things in some form were beneficial to growing from hunter gatherers to urban/agricultural societies. We needed organisation to build cities, so we created monarchies. We needed ways to control the growing population, so we created a fear of a deity.
We needed a reason to not allow too many people in to our society so that we didn’t waste resources, so we created borders and the concept of “others” that aren’t like us. Now, all of that has to get binned if we have any hope of getting past this point because the only way forward is as single planet, not petty nation states. But every single thing that brought us to this point prevents that from happening.
- Comment on I want a name for this 1 month ago:
Lucid Reading?
- Comment on I have been told ever since I was a little shit that when you die you go to heaven first wait in line for St Peter to judge you at the pearly gates? Is this in the Bible? I thought god did judging 2 months ago:
Even the big guy needs middle-management sometimes.
- Comment on is "oh boy" considered a gendered term? 2 months ago:
Yes. It’s ONLY supposed to be used when you find yourself leaping from life to life. Striving to put right what once went wrong. And hoping each time that your next leap will be the leap home.
I don’t make the rules. I just enforce them.
- Comment on Is "Red Storm Rising" by Tom Clancy considered a good book? 2 months ago:
Similarly related, I remember reading The Hunt for Red October and enjoying it. But I can’t decide if I actually enjoyed it, or if I’m transposing a memory from my enjoyment of the film to my enjoyment of the book. I’m afraid to re-read it and find out, because I haven’t been a fan of much else that he’s written so I suspect I know the answer.
- Comment on Are disabled people and the elderly going to survive another Trump presidency? 2 months ago:
I couldn’t remember which general it was, so I had to swallow my pride and ask ChatGPT.
The general who famously called for documentation of concentration camps during their liberation was General Dwight D. Eisenhower. When U.S. forces liberated the Ohrdruf concentration camp, a subcamp of Buchenwald, on April 4, 1945, Eisenhower recognized the significance of documenting the atrocities. He anticipated that future generations might doubt the extent of Nazi crimes, so he ordered extensive photographic and film documentation of the camp’s conditions.
Eisenhower even invited journalists and members of Congress to visit the camps to ensure that eyewitness accounts would back up the documentation. He felt it was crucial to make the evidence indisputable, as he feared that without such documentation, people might one day deny or downplay the horrors of the Holocaust.
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 2 months ago:
They don’t. It was never their country to begin with, clearly.
The majority of the U.S. has been racist, bigoted, misogynists from the beginning. Hell, the entire electoral college system that just fucked everyone over is a compromise that was put into place because a bunch of rich white landowners in the Antebellum south couldn’t stand the idea of freed black men’s votes having as much power as theirs. So they immediately rigged the system to keep them in control of who gets power because you better believe no black man was ever going to be an elector.
That is who your country is. There was a brief period from the 60s to the 80s where it became declasse to be an asshole, and so they mostly shut up during that time when they were in public, and then went home and took out their frustration by beating their wives and kids.
Then along came the modern republican party, who began to tear down that cloak of respectability, and it emboldened all of those wife beating shit-heads to say “Hey…we can be assholes again…go us.”
This is your America. It always has been. I’m sorry if that hurts. I really am. But right now I’m also goddamned angry at your country on behalf of my country and all the others that have to be caught in the blast.
- Comment on Too spicy for me but thank you 😊 2 months ago:
So what you’re saying is that scientist’s laziness on the development of flying cars is what is going to lead to the downfall of man.
I always knew it…
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 2 months ago:
Well no shit. He figured out that as long as you never “release” a finished game, you’re not going to be blamed for “bugs” while still collecting money on in-game purchases.
There’s a reason he made sure that the in-game store was perfected and ready to go long before the game was anywhere near completed. It’s been the plan ever since he and his team realized that the ultimate scope was likely out of their reach.
- Comment on Did the concept of 9-5 included a 30 minute lunch and two 15 minute breaks? 2 months ago:
I think it differs a bit from province to province in Canada, but where I’m at, you can either work 8.5 hours with a half hour lunch, or 9 hours with a 1 hour lunch. It’s up to the employer. 15 minute breaks are paid, but not guaranteed (if it’s busy). Lunch breaks are unpaid and mandatory.
- Comment on Do you actually care about your friend's new baby, vacation abroad or similar life events or are you just being nice? 2 months ago:
Yes. It’s called empathy.
You may not have a vested interest in the particular story, but the very act of someone that you care about (presumably) being excited about something should at least bring some sort of good feeling to you. When people I care about are enjoying something, it makes me happy. So while their kid pictures, or vacation pictures or whatever might not be interesting to me, the fact that they care enough about me to want to SHOW them to me, should give you a warm feeling.
That being said, no…I’m not going to dunk for not feeling that. It’s different from person to person certainly; and I (and here I’m going to revert to my “old man yells at clouds” mode) feel like modern friendships are just different. We are suddenly in an age where having a few close friends has been replaced with having a tonne of “shallow” friends that you meet online. They’re still “friends”, but beyond texting and playing together online, you never see each other, never get closer than that. And certainly it would be a different feeling entirely. But the cadre of close friends that I made while working at Sears in 1998, and who I still talk to almost every day and see regularly, of COURSE I’m going to care.
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on If Biden wanted to could he have people kill Trump since he is in office and SCOTUS said it was ok? 3 months ago:
I kind of don’t want to know, because the real answer would probably be terrifying.
- Comment on Britons ‘healthier than Americans’ but more likely to doubt health, study finds 3 months ago:
Is it that Britons are more likely to doubt their health, or is it that Americans are pathologically afraid to be sick because it can bankrupt them, so they tend to overestimate their health in order to not have to go to the doctor.
- Comment on Does the GOP Stick Together so tightly to hide the fact that a large majority of them are involved in Pedophilia? 3 months ago:
I think these are just the ones who get caught and that there are hundreds more
“I think” is the operative statement there. What you think is pointless. Facts are what matter. And without evidence that it IS the majority doing it, automatically lumping them all into that group makes us no better than them in terms of their rhetoric and divisiveness.
Every damn side needs to stop painting the other with broad strokes and then complaining when they do it back. It’s not helpful. Questions that are worded like this are not helpful.