- Comment on OpenAI's viral Studio Ghibli moment highlights AI copyright concerns 1 day ago:
Machines in the hands of the working class can thrive in a way that benefits everyone equally, and is available to everyone. But as soon as capitalists get it, the whole idea becomes corrupted because the sole purpose is profit at all costs. AI is not profitable yet, which is why these companies will pull out all the stops (including downloading content from illegal sources that they otherwise scold everyone else for using).
- Comment on OpenAI's viral Studio Ghibli moment highlights AI copyright concerns 1 day ago:
Oh there’s definitely no going back. This will continue to erode the art scene and continue to steal artwork from humans that spent hours making it. No government or entity can or should go into homes and take these things away, but it’s not really about that. Companies are vacuuming up artwork, books, etc and paying nobody for them, while telling us some nonsense like it’s a positive for society. No compensation for the thing they are now going to make money off of, but they’d sue you into oblivion in a second if you stole something from them. That simple fact is why this is all shit.
I love the idea of AI and I’ve built things using ChatGPT’s API (miserable), but these capitalists have gone about it all wrong per usual. It could’ve been a public resource that people willingly contribute to, but the capitalists took it upon themselves to break the rules again, while hiding behind a shield of excuses for why they should pay nobody.
- Comment on Voice actors speak out on AI in video games 3 weeks ago:
The problem at its core is definitely capitalism. That said, AI itself is nothing more than a massive plagiarism machine that is extremely cost-prohibitive to run, which means the only ones that control it and have a say are the ones with the most money. There’s a space for ethical AI that isn’t trained haphazardly on copyrighted works, but what we have today in the mainstream is not that.
As much as I personally hate building anything with AI (programmer that has had to build tools that use it), I don’t hate the concept of AI itself. I hate the fact that the people with the most money to innovate with it are churning out the most boring products so they can go to market faster, while also burning the planet down in the process.
- Comment on Voice actors speak out on AI in video games 3 weeks ago:
Yeah the current admin, at least in the US, ain’t enforcing that lol. They’re all in on AI’ifying everything in sight. AI is a hellscape in the hands of capitalists.
- Comment on Voice actors speak out on AI in video games 3 weeks ago:
pay people to go enjoy their lives.
The problem is that this isn’t happening. Instead it’s greedy board members trying to find ways to exclude every creative artist so that they can hoard all of the wealth for themselves.
Marx predicted that automation would allow the worker to live a more leisurely life when they were maintaining the machines, vs doing the work manually. This is a nice premise, but it turned out to be wrong. Instead, the workers get replaced entirely and third parties come in to occasionally fix and maintain those machines. Automation is not a bad thing by any stretch, but the point of creative work is to retain humanity and emotion. Using AI voices and artwork is counter to that. At that point it’s no longer artwork and is simply a husk to drive revenue and nothing else.
- Comment on Voice actors speak out on AI in video games 3 weeks ago:
It’s not a hard one to dodge. I’ll be fine.
- Comment on Voice actors speak out on AI in video games 3 weeks ago:
You’re welcome to play video games with shitty fake AI voices, but myself and tons of other folks definitely won’t be.
- Comment on Instagram 'Error' Turned Reels Into Neverending Scroll of Murder, Gore, and Violence 4 weeks ago:
This feels like someone took their banned content list and inverted it so that it was suddenly all approved. Regardless, leaving Instagram and Facebook was one of the best decisions I’ve made this year. Can’t and won’t deal with platforms that pump feeds full of ads and fascist hate-filled toxic bullshit.
- Comment on Meta’s new content policies risk fueling more mass violence and genocide 5 weeks ago:
Zuck is an ass kisser with no friends. Fuck him. Get off his platforms if you haven’t already.
- Comment on Chinese apps face scrutiny in US but users keep scrolling. 1 month ago:
It’s been a nice window into their culture and daily lives, and they’ve been extremely welcoming. As an American that is pretty much burnt out on my country’s bullshit and inability to be respectful and friendly, that is a breath of fresh air.
- Comment on Chinese apps face scrutiny in US but users keep scrolling. 1 month ago:
I’ve been on Rednote for a while now and learning and chatting with Chinese folks has made me less anxious, more mindful, and generally more positive. It’s teaching me Taoism, QiGong, and given me tea and food recipes.
I’ve since deleted every Meta account because western social media has given me nothing but meaningless, empty scrolling, anxiety, and bombarded me with ads—a lot of which were extremely questionable.
Another major shift has come in online shopping, where Americans are flocking to digital Chinese marketplaces such as Temu and Shein in search of ultra-low prices on clothes, home goods, and other items.
I don’t shop at these places but this is what happens when you make absolutely everything in America way too expensive while paying people shit. They find cheaper alternatives.
Western social media will use all of your data to spy on you on a daily basis. If we’re going to criticize Chinese social media, the spotlight needs to be turned on America also. Meta is predatory, and has helped fuel genocide, and TikTok is now a compromised mess.
- Comment on Google employees petition for 'job security' ahead of expected cuts 1 month ago:
- Comment on China’s DeepSeek AI poses formidable cyber, data privacy threats 1 month ago:
This is the way.
- Comment on China’s DeepSeek AI poses formidable cyber, data privacy threats 1 month ago:
Yep. Corporations are scared of open source AI, especially when it makes OpenAI look like dog shit.
- Comment on China’s DeepSeek AI poses formidable cyber, data privacy threats 1 month ago:
AI in the hands of the ruling class is a collective threat to the world. Apple Intelligence, Copilot computers—they are all gateways for corporations to circumvent security. They scour and process every piece of data on your devices in order to process it all. It’s going to become a shitty Trojan horse: offers nothing of value to people and we handwave it away, while it casually peeks into all of our “secure” apps on a daily basis.
- Comment on 2 months ago:
lol no. Go outdoors and put that shit on DND. Scroll later. Can’t stand when I see someone craned over a phone when they’re somewhere surrounded by nature.
- Comment on 2 months ago:
It’s only brain rot if it’s all you do all day long. Everything in moderation. It’s also often times the only window into other cultures for people that don’t have the money to travel. I’d rather scroll through stuff that teaches me something, than I would the endless US oligarchy brain rot feeds.
- Comment on 2 months ago:
Why not both? The grass isn’t that wonderful everywhere.
- Comment on 2 months ago:
I like Loops too! I’ve ditched everything except Loops and RedNote for social media.
- Comment on 2 months ago:
I think it only uses it for initial verification. I already get a ton of spam on my number so it doesn’t really bother me. Highly recommend checking some of the content out though if you want an unfettered view into everyday life in China. It’s been a fun adventure.
- Comment on 2 months ago:
Hello, RedNote.
- Comment on low spec gaming looking pretty sunny right now gang 2 months ago:
For me it did the opposite. I had 78 new games played last year alone, and a good amount of them were ones I’ve had in my library for a while.
- Comment on WordPress leader Matthew Mullenweg exiles five contributors • The Register 2 months ago:
Yeah, that’s how I hope this plays out. I’d love to see a fork take off with a healthier community.
- Comment on WordPress leader Matthew Mullenweg exiles five contributors • The Register 2 months ago:
WordPress is dead. Those contributora have all been there for ages. Without them behind it and Matt continuing to shit where he eats, there’s no coming back. It will stick around because it runs a metric fuckton of the web, but I foresee it basically being in a state of super unexciting maintenance mode.
- Comment on Matt Mullenweg deactivates WordPress contributor accounts over alleged fork plans 2 months ago:
This dude is burning down his entire city just to prove some vapid point.
- Comment on TikTok tells LA staff impacted by wildfires to use personal/sick hours if they can't work from home 2 months ago:
Had a boss years ago here in the US that told me I had used up all of my PTO during a time of mourning and funeral preparation. My dad was dying/died during that time and the boss was telling me this because I had to take 2 weeks off to spend time with my dying father who was in Hospice with cancer, as well as arrange the funeral and care for my mom.
The empire can’t burn fast enough.
- Comment on NBC News Does Entire Piece Trying To Link CEO Shooting To ‘Violent Video Game’ 3 months ago:
Doom: oh thank fuck its not me this time
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 24th 3 months ago:
I’m getting my ass repeatedly handed to me in Stalker 2 but enjoying it. Also continuing to dump hours into Vampire Survivors. Started replaying Road Redemption also so I can get my modern day Road Rash fix.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 24th 3 months ago:
I just started a new NV game and maybe I can finally say the same. I’ve got like 300+ hours into Fallout 4 and still haven’t completed the main story.
- Comment on The Right Has a Bluesky Problem 3 months ago:
Is the right getting mad because they have no one fun left to yell at on X now? They can always yell at each other. They’re good at eating their own.